Chamber Vision January 2015 | Page 17

The Chamber Vision offers a full year of advertising in all twelve issues! a variety of advertising opportunities in a variety of To take advantage of this The Emporia Area Chamber and Visitors Bureau is one of the leading organizations ad sizes. Even better, we have great opportunity, or for helping to improve the not raised our rates in over five more information, call Jessica economic vitality and quality years! Attached you will find Crumb at the Chamber office, of life for everyone. Don’t miss PDF showcasing our sizes and 342.1600 or email her at this opportunity to get your rates. Yes, these rates are for [email protected] message out! OPTION 1 $840 One Half Page per year 12 issues at $70 per ad OPTION 2 One Quarter Page 12 issues at $55.00 per ad $660 per year OPTION 3 One Eighth Page 12 issues at $32.00 per ad $385 per year OPTION 4 One Sixteenth Page 12 issues at $18.33 per ad $220 per yea