14 January 2014
Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau
Bureau Business
“Bring It Home”
Susan Rathke
Interim CVB Director
Recently, I spoke to the 2013 Leadership Emporia class about the work we
do at the Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) and how it affects economic
development. While I’m not sure they were aware of all the CVB does, I think I
helped them understand how they could help boost Emporia’s economy. Each
class member represents a business or organization in Emporia. Those businesses
and organizations, at some time, may conduct meetings or conferences, or send
employees or representatives to meetings or conferences out of town. My message
to them was, “Bring it Home.” I asked them to consider hosting those meetings in
Emporia, if possible. As I’ve mentioned many times before, Emporia has meeting
and event venues that many people don’t know exist. I’m always surprised to hear
someone say there are no meeting rooms in Emporia.
So, why “Bring it Home?” The economic impact of a one-day meeting for 50
people in Emporia can mean several thousand dollars spent in town. Add another
day and 100 more people and the impact can be over $20,000. Overnight stays
are the key to boosting Emporia’s economy. Overnight guests generate transient
guest tax which is collected to promote Emporia, and sales tax which also benefits
the economy. The CVB will assist anyone working to bring visitors to Emporia. Help
to find an event venue, transportation, entertainment, speakers, catering, lodging,
and more is available every day at the CVB. We also have a Support Grant
program to assist event planners when funds are needed to make an event possible.
Another service the CVB provides is bid presentation to host events in Emporia. We
may also be able to offer a financial incentive to bring that event here.
In 2014, we’ll be stepping up our efforts to generate more overnight business in
Emporia. Depending on what research and surveys will tell us, we may be looking
for more sporting events, more meetings, more group tours, more leisure travelers,
or all of the above. Our marketing efforts may change, too. I’d like to think “we are
all in this together.” Someone always says, “If we all do a little, no one has to do a
lot.” Please do a little by sharing your thoughts and efforts to bring more overnight
business to Emporia. Thanks to the new Holiday Inn Express which opened in
December, we now have over 750 rooms in Emporia. Keep the CVB informed of
events that involve visitors such as tours, reunions, weddings, sports, meetings and
conferences, tradeshows, expos, and any other special events so we can provide
our services.
2013 was a good year for tourism in Emporia thanks to all of our tourism
partners. If there is one specific thing that I gleaned from the last twelve months,
it is the word, communication. If not for constant communication with everyone in
the community and our tourism partners, we won’t have success. Here’s to a very
successful and communicative 2014! Cheers!