Chamber Vision April 2014 | Page 5

Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau April 2014 Date 5 Chairman’s Corner Ron Thomas Chairman of the Board Things are hopping at the Chamber as we head towards Easter. First let me give a big Thank You to all of the organizations and volunteers that make Emporia a prime community for hosting events of any size. Just this past month huge crowds turned out for the Kansas Hunting and Fishing Expo, and big numbers were seen at the State High School 1-A Basketball Tournament. I talked with a number of people from out of town at the basketball tournament, and they all had glowing remarks about how well the tournament was run, how great the venue was and How Nice all the people from Emporia are! The Chambers’ Spring Expo was well received at the auditorium; it was nice to see a good variety of vendors and solid attendance; so a big shout out to Chamber staff and volunteers for a job well done. The 3-D competition has been going strong, and some creative young minds have been fine-tuning great ideas that will culminate with the top three making their final pitch during the 3-D event April 11th on the ESU campus. Students from Emporia State and Flint Hills Technical College are involved in this Dream It, Design It, Develop It competition which is sponsored by the School of Business at ESU, the Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce and ESB Financial. It is going to be a wonderful and entertaining night, and we hope to see you there. The bobbleheads are coming! Yes, the wait is about over, and we will soon have available Corky in bobblehead form. I have had a sneak peak, and the design is super. We hope you are enjoying the new website and newsletter delivery. Please let me or Chamber staff know what you think. More things are coming electronically. Thank you for your membership, and have a super fantastic month.