Chamber Connection Issue 7 DawsonCo-Newsletter_Vol7_3-0 | Page 10

Fifth annual ‘Shine Pedalers ride biggest yet 244 cyclists gathered at the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame Saturday, July 29 to take off on either a metric (68 miles) or half-metric (36 miles) tour of Dawson County. The ride was hosted by the Dawson County Chamber of Commerce and Office of Tourism Devel- opment. “Our fifth annual ‘Shine Pedalers Metric was our best one yet,” Chamber Pres- ident Christie Haynes said. “This event is an excellent way for our office to showcase our beautiful community to cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts. With slight changes to the route, we were able to better ensure rider safety and offer even more beautiful view of our county.” Dawson County Chamber President Christie Haynes and Maija Hurst help bikers get registered for the event. 10 | Dawson County Chamber of Commerce More than 240 riders take off from the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame Dawson County resident Carol Tyger (center) helps two cyclists pump up a tire. Tyger’s stop had an Australian theme. All stops this year had a theme and cyclists voted for their favorites.