Chamber Business Connection CBC Vol.3, Issue 10 | Page 5

YOUR CHAMBER Chamber Business Connections is published monthly by the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce with revenue from member dues, advertising, and sponsorship. All rights re- served. Reproduction of the whole or any part of the content in this publication, by any method or purpose whatsoever, with- out written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Only chamber members can advertise in Chamber Business Connection. To plan advertising contact the chamber. Your Board President Lisa Zeigler President Elect Wayne Coakley VP at Large Kay Anderson VP at Large Chellee Hamilton VP at Large Ed Fleming Board Members Bob Clanin Greg Dawkins Shelley Davis Marc Fleming Dan Havener Allen Hocker Heather Miller Peggy Mosher Trent Soles Letter from the Director September of 2019 marks some very specials milestones for the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce and for our community as we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Arts in the Alley and the 30th anniversary of the Arts in the Alley Community Parade. The list of people, groups, organizations and others who have helped with or participated in the events, is so great that our emag could not even begin to hold the names! Just a few of though, the Grove City Area Chamber Board, Tiney, Helena and the entire McComb family, the Grove City Girls Club, the City of Grove City, Jackson Township, Grove City Arts Council, the amazing community of Grove City, Mayor Stage, Steve Stephenson, Bev Basler, Dee Shrum, Judy Hill, Sertoma, our generous sponsors, our artists, Dave and Sally Maple, our show committees and show judges, our concession vendors who are community churches and organizations. VP of Finance Charlene McFarland Past President Shirley Spellman Staff Executive Director Shawn Conrad Events Manager Marilyn Reiner Administrative Assistant Heather Brokaw I would like to give a special thanks to Marilyn Reiner, our Events Manager who has worked faithfully and dedicatedly for over 15 years to ensure that all of our events go off without a hitch, that they bring people and resources to our community, to our merchants and opportunity to our members. Thanks my friend. We at the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce count it a privilege and a blessing to be part of this amazing community and we look forward to another 40 years of Arts in the Alley and the Arts in the Alley Community Parade. Shawn Conrad, GCACC Director Marketing and Communications KatBro Consulting Ltd. CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2019 | 5