Chamber Business Connection CBC Vol.3, Issue 10 | Page 3

Content 12 Q &A with the Grand Marshal of the 30th annual community parade 14 Q &A with Mayor Stage Mayor “Ike” Stage reflects on the past 40 years. Cover Story 6 Arts in the Alley turns 40 Grove City music and arts festival celbrates its ruby anniversary. 16 Girl Power A look at the Grove City Girls Club. Regulars 18 5 Reasons to get excited about the Voice 5 of GC. This year’s newest Arts in the Alley feature Letter from the Director Encouraging note from Director, Shawn Conrad. Member Features 17 10 Diamond Service Saxton Real Estate turns 60 8 Chamber News 10 Reasons to Join the South West Leadership Program. Member Recognition Welcome new and celebrate current members. CHAMBER BUSINESS CONNECTION SEPTEMBER 2019 | 3