Chalkboard Magazine Working From Home | Page 3




1.Have you ever worked from home?

Was your definition of working from home different?

3. Did your company expect you to use your equipment, your electric and your time?

4. Did you feel that you were missing out at work because you were not there?

5. Did you feel that you managed to do twice as much work in half the time?

6. Do you think that there is still a need for a physical presence at work? Why?

remeber that you are making comparrisons between one concept and another, so the following vocabulary may be useful:

Compared to......

On the one hand... but on the other.

In comparrison to........

Comparing one scenario to another is essential for those students who are involved in selling or have a high level of interaction with clients.

Becomming familiar with comparitive and superlatives can really help you within a work scenario.


Does it make a difference?

Express your opinion!

I think that......

I believe that........

In my case.............