! all have them and can idenWe
tify with all of them in our
mother tongue, it's our target
to identify with your skill base
and translate your job function
into English as a second language.
Never let anyone tell you that you
need to modify an accent, English
may be considered the language of
business but the main objective is to
be understood and reduce the margin
of error for being misunderstood.
Some teachers refer to this as accent
As an academy we don't promote
a service that will modify an accent,
instead we focus on voice tones
and grammar structures. There is a
lexical way in which you can master the art of pronunciation and this
requires a significant level of practice.
Time Scales
A question that we are frequently
asked is how long will it take to
prepare for an interview. Everyone
responds to education in different
ways It’s a fact that no two students are the same. It really depends on your study goals as to
how quickly you master the
The unexpected
Be aware that an interview
may not be face to face.
More and more candidates receive
telephone interviews, it is not uncommon to have a video conference format
either so be prepared. It is better to be
familiar with all formats as the interview
process may vary during the process.
Developing your listening skills are key
as telephone interviews miss the ability
to read gestures, body posture and
eye contact. To compensate for this
you will have to focus on your voice
tones to reflect empathetic value.