9 . I recommend the appointment of a General Counsel to the Labour Party and additional and appropriately expert staff .
10 . I recommend that the power of interim suspension be vested in the NCC and give guidance as to how it might be exercised more proportionately .
11 . I recommend the appointment of a Legal Panel of volunteer lawyers of standing so as to assist the NCC in its functions and to provide a review on procedural and proportionality grounds in cases of suspension or expulsion from the Party .
12 . I recommend consideration of a greater range of NCC sanctions short of suspension and expulsion .
13 . I do not recommend lifetime bans from the Labour Party and recommend time limits on the bringing of disciplinary charges .
14 . Once my Report is disseminated and so as to give members an opportunity to be guided by it , I recommend a moratorium on triggering new investigations into matters of relevant language and conduct arising before publication . This in no way effects investigations and disciplinary proceedings already in train .
15 . I recommend the formation of an NEC working group into comprehensive education and training needs across the Party with a view to partnership with Trade Unions and Higher Education providers . Staff and members involved in the new disciplinary process should receive appropriate training .
16 . I recommend a review of the Party ' s Equal Opportunities Policies with a view to adopting an over-arching Equal Opportunities Policy .
17 . I recommend better dissemination and explanation of the Party ' s Rule Book .
18 . I recommend that the NEC gives urgent attention to any parts of the country that have been under " special measures " for more than six months .
19 . I recommend that no part of the Party should be subject to " special measures " for more than six months without NEC review of that decision . Further the NEC must provide a plan as to how the local party is to improve its practice and return to full democratic rights within the Party .
20 . The Party should increase the ethnic diversity of its staff .