The crucial thing is that Labour learning should be empowering and fun and not feel like some kind of
top-down box ticking exercise. Further it should be varied, personalised and designed to fit into
members' busy and challenging work and family lives. Some members might benefit from help with
basic language and literacy skills. All should have access to Labour history and values (including basic
Equality, Human Rights and Employment law). Those interested in holding office within the Party or in
being candidates for public office at either local or national level should have access to a range of vital
skills training (e.g. in chairing meetings, public speaking, writing and using social media for activism
etc.). Further, cultural activities such as book groups and trips to relevant films, plays, museums and
festivals might sometimes be as useful to the shared lives of local members as late night meetings
debating great matters of State.
Finally, too many people (including some Labour Members) in contemporary Britain may have never
had the opportunity to meet with and hear from people of different race, faith or perspective. This
should be considered by those responsible for conferences and meetings at whatever level within the
I recommend that the NEC set up a working group to assess education and training needs
across the party with a view to working with trade union and higher education partners so as
to offer practical and enriching values-lead programmes to members with varying needs and
interests. In doing so, I recommend that that the latest thinking in addressing unconscious bias
incorporated in this important work.
The Party should consider the adoption of an over-arching Equal Opportunities Policy (with
corresponding training for those in elected office and on the staff). There should also be a
requirement that the equality and diversity impact of all staff recruitment and selection
decisions be considered.
There should be specific training for all staff and members involved in the investigations and
disciplinary process.
The Labour Party Rule Book, accompanying documents and "plain English" explanation should
be much more readily accessible on-line.