President’s Message
Israel Reflections
Meet your 2013-2014/5774 Temple Chai Board
I am proud and excited to be leading a wonderful group of temple
members who have stepped up to
become our Temple Chai Board
of Directors. Our temple board
members work collaboratively
with our clergy and staff on behalf
of our entire congregation. Each
member of our board agrees to
our Temple Chai Board of Trustee
“Covenant of Service” which
begins with this belief:
Where there is no vision, the
people perish. Proverbs 29:18
As leaders of Temple Chai, we
acknowledge that our obligation and responsibility begins with
a covenantal relationship, a sacred partnership with God and
our community. Together, with clergy, professional staff and lay
leaders we embrace a vision of working to create an environment of
joyous Jewish living, of warmth and inclusion for all who enter our
doors, and a solid financial future to ensure a community for the
generations that follow. In the hope of enriching our own lives and
ensuring the health and vitality of our congregation, we pledge these
commitments to one another.
Please help me welcome these caring men and women who are
eager to serve our Temple Chai community:
Josh Ackerman
Laurie Azriel
Debbie Brenner
Loren Elliot
Sandi Firsel
Allan Kaplan
Barry Mortge
Rich Orlov
Maxine Sukenik
Jan Bergman
Lisa Hartman
Bobby Jann
Dave Kogan
Ed Nickow
Nancy Rabinowitz
Mark Rosenberg
Cheryl Stern
Ron Stern
Mitch Weinstein
Site and Facilities Vice-President
Executive Vice-President
Youth and Education Vice-President
Membership Vice-President
Worship Vice-President
Immediate Past-President
Member at Large
Member at Large
Member at Large
Marketing Chair and Brotherhood President
Life Long Jewish Learning
Member at Large
Social Action Chair
Sisterhood Co-President
Membership Chair
Legal Counsel
I know that you join me in thanking each of them –
Yasher Koach!
Loren Elliot, President
Jerusalem of Gold
Temple Chai’s Mike Wilner finds Gold at Maccabiah Games
When I was first selected to be on the 2013 Maccabiah Gymnastics
team in December 2012, it felt like I had simply qualified for just
another competition. Israel was far in the future, and the reality
had not sunk in yet. Fast forward 6 months, and I was boarding
a 747 halfway across the world with teammates I had barely met.
Little did I know that these guys would become some of my closest
friends and that we were about to have an incredible, powerful
experience. I had traveled all over the country competing in the
NCAA, but representing team USA in Israel was on a completely
different level.
The first week, we toured Israel in a similar fashion to Birthright
that was structured around our training schedule. I felt as if every
piece of the country was significant no matter how small; it was
incredible to see the ancient history mixed with modern Israel. Yet
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