ChaiLites January 2014 | Page 18

TEMPLE CHAI REFORM CONGREGATION 1670 RFD LONG GROVE, IL 60047-5289 STEPHEN A. HART, Rabbi BARRY COHEN, Rabbi SCOTT D. SIMON, Cantor DEB MATTES, Executive Director Laura Siegel Perpinyal, Director of Congregational Learning CHARLA SILVER, B’nei Mitzvah Coordinator CATHY SCHWARTZ, Director of Member Services DEBORAH GREENSWAG, Director of Operations DEBBIE MOORE, Communications and IT Manager LOREN ELLIOT, Temple President Karen Schwartz and Cheryl Stern, Sisterhood Co-Presidents Dave Kogan, Chai Guys Brotherhood President Jonathan Mishory, CHAMPY President JEFF KONDRITZER, Director of Education, Emeritus DEADLINE FOR march CHAILITES IS january 18TH NON-PROFIT U. S. POSTAGE PAID Buffalo Grv., IL 60089 Permit No. 40