Chad's Off Road Shenanigans May 2013 | Page 2

Trail Updates

Page 2

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Photo by Chad Kirkland

Bill Moore Lake (4/20/13)

Bill More was still snow covered at print. the trail continued to get worse as we gained elevation and afterf a boubt with pnumonia it was thought wise to not continue and be in a winching party for the day, the trail may be passible but winching is probably likely as elevation increases, it would seem that barring any further snowfall this spring it should be clear in the next few weeks.

It is not recommended at this time to run this trail and move on to one at a lower elevation.

Yankee Hill (4/20/13)

We decided to travel to Central City and give Yankee Hill a try and ran into some bad Ice shelf as the snow is melting into the road. rutts are deep and often winching is to be expected while running this trail. if you dont want to winch and get wet then this will not be the trail for you.

It is again recommended to go to a lower elevation trail.

Left Hand Canyon OHV Area (4/13/13)

Left Hand continues to be the go to trail for all outdoor activities. With the recent snowfall there have been few options along the Northern Front range. while we were there we saw Motorcycles, Mountain Bikes, ATV's, Buggies, and Gun Enthusiasts. The trail suffers from the typical overuse which seems to esculated at this time. Firemans Hill id pretty rutted and it would be easier for 33' tires to make it. stock vehicles will stuggle quite a bit. Big Momma was not ran this go around but as always this is the hardest section of the entire area and it is NOT recomended for ant stock vehicle.

Chinamen Gulch (4/14/13)

Chinamen continues to impress. the trail had some snow on it at the time of the run which made things a little more challenging. it continues to be one of my personal favorites. The first switck back is a little dug out and is slightly difficult around the big rock. if you struggle here it is a good reminder of the trails dificulty. The Rock Garden was a little worse due to the wet conditions but still a great place to play. Whales Tail was dug out a little and wet to boot so it was extra challenging as well. Two Steps at the top was a good time as always and the V notch has changed a little from last year with a couple of the bigger rocks moving over winter, All in all a great time.

It is recommended that 33" tires are a minimum for this run and the more articulation the better. It can be ran stock with a high clearance vehicle but it will require a good driver that can pick good lines.