Chaap Issue 2 2 | Page 5

Creative people are not good at selling their work or turning their skills into profitable businesses . We hear that kind of thing every day , don ’ t we ? Let ’ s change the narrative !
Having worked as creative professionals for so many years , we understand the dire need for creatives to emerge out of their shells and make a dent in the universe . There ’ s just so much to start with , everything from getting creatives to break free of their self-doubt and learn the basic business skills , to keeping in touch with the fluctuating trends . There ’ s lots to do and that makes us even more excited .
If you are a creative professional , Chaap aims to have your back “ Pehchan se Kamiyaabi Tak ”. We are all about # CommunityOverCompetition and we want to encourage everyone to do the same . Your work is your biggest strength and if you are good at that , you are undeniable regardless of who you support or how many ideas you share . So , we urge you to break free and be UNDENIABLE !!
For our secondquarterly issue , we have decided to analyse 2020 as the year no one ever expected .