The Baby Brain Score (BBS)
is a screening tool that measures neonatal neurophysiology. It is an effective method of manually checking the brain function of a newborn. If there is a neurological compromise, Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) in the first few minutes of life can help correct the structural effects of fetal and birth traumas. CFT can prevent many diseases from appearing later in life and, more importantly, promote optimum cognitive brain function.
The benefits of the BBS/CFT:
When parents naturally add love, good nutrition, and exercise to the newborn equation, the BBS/CFT possibilities can become endless:
It can :
create a happy and content baby
happy mom, dad, siblings, extended family, and friends.
excellent infant neurological function
facilitate the ability to latch on
parents being sufficiently rested
structural immunity later as a toddler
prevent childhood diseases like asthma,
headache, ADHD, learning disorders, and more
It can create a neurological learning environment where focus
concentration, memory, thinking, and other cognitive functions can be maximized at school.
Finally, it can result in a child who can be the best he/she can be for his/her entire life