CESG Connections Magazine 2020 Issue | Page 36

THE DEATH OF TRADITIONAL DATA CENTERS THE MOVE TOWARDS SOFTWARE-DEFINED DATA CENTERS THAT FACILITATE CLOUD OPTIMIZATION By Chris Howard, Vice President, U.S. Federal, Nutanix LEGACY IT infrastructure is taking an increasingly smaller role in government as software-driven platforms, cloud computing, and subscription-based and managed services pave the way for modern mission execution. The recent award of the JEDI contract by the Department of Defense is proof-positive that U.S. Federal and Defense organizations are evolving their role in owning and operating IT. There is no easy button to modernize IT operations, reduce costs, increase security, and enhance mission effectiveness. Most Federal organizations we have seen take an all-in approach to one model or another are shifting to a more heterogeneous approach, owning and operating some IT assets and functions, and renting or outsourcing some things to public cloud and/or managed services providers. Maintaining a diverse ecosystem of IT and trusted providers ensures that each element plays the role for which it is best suited. The added benefit of empowering buyers and keeping vendors competitive further establishes the case for a more hybrid approach. According to the GAO 1 , the U.S. Federal governments spend about $90 billion a year on IT as agencies continue efforts to modernize their IT infrastructure. The promise of 60% lower cost of operations, 39% reduced IT infrastructure costs, and 93% fewer outages is compelling for all levels of Federal IT organizations. Without these investments, government agencies can’t lean into technologies that are changing the world, and that will change the way they fulfill their missions forever. 36 • CESGovernment.com AI, IOT, EDGE COMPUTING Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and edge computing are making repeatable tasks a thing of the past for Federal IT professionals. Although we hear intentions voiced from time to time about “getting out of the IT business,” the demand for IT skills remains incredibly high, as does competition with private sector employers for talent. Automating mundane, repeatable IT tasks, and enabling Federal IT professionals to focus on the exciting and rewarding work of government—the mission work—will give a little of the edge back to agencies in the competitive market for IT skills. CLOUD OPTIMIZATION Few, if any, Federal or Defense agencies are running a single cloud. The vast majority of our customers have multiple cloud instances, which is the result of many factors: different programs, different budgets, different requirements. There is never a one-size-fits-all solution, but having such a variety of solutions within one organization certainly warrants attention to how each investment can be optimized. Proven, modular solutions—like Xi Beam from Nutanix—help organizations rationalize which resources to use and when to optimize performance, costs, and security. IT leaders with this sort of information can make the best decisions on where to run different application workloads—on premises or in the public cloud.