It is important to show business leaders
the value of human resources as an integral
part of driving and building the business.
C: What has been the impact of certification
on your career?
AD: Becoming certified has been
invaluable to my career and has presented
me with opportunities that I believe I
would not have had without the validity
of holding certification from the HR
Certification Institute. Certification
is voluntary and demonstrates your
commitment to your profession.
Employers see the value of certification.
They view individuals who hold
certification from the HR Certification
Institute as passionate about the
profession, dedicated to keeping current
in the profession and able to help move
their organizations forward.
C: How does certification help HR
professionals in business?
AD: Certification pushes individuals to
think holistically. For example, instead
of thinking in isolation about labor
negotiation or the legal implications of
realigning your organization, certified
HR professionals really understand the
totality of human resources and the
impact it has on business. Certification
opens up your thinking, because it
challenges you to reach out, talk to and
learn from others in the industry. In order
to become and remain certified, you have
to stay apprised of industry trends, which
is vital to advancing yourself and your
organization. I have maintained my SPHR
certification for almost a decade and
firmly believe in certification.
C: What advice can you give to an HR
professional working to be a strategic
partner who helps drive the business?
AD: It is important for HR practitioners to
first understand their business and then
know how they can drive results for it.
They must be able to participate in the
organization’s strategy d