afford that. People can go for 10 days up to 6 months to
next thing you know she is in an apartment in South Dallas
a year. We have fundraising activities where we are looking for
with bars on the windows and padlocks on the door. She was
people with specific skills to help. We personally believe in lots
trapped for years until she was able to get out.
of prayer. We’ve seen mountains moved from prayer so we
totally encourage that and love for people to concentrate on
Are you going to provide local support?
that here in North Texas. Of course, giving. Our dollars can go
We’d love to. There is an organization here that is run by some
such a long way. We offer opportunities for people to sponsor
of our friends called Restored Hope. They have taken in some
children to get an education. Ten dollars helps keep a child out
young women.
of the trafficking ring, because now they have value. We also
have the village that we have adopted in Indonesia that’s a
How many young girls have you been able to help?
brothel village. We offer classes, because the children can’t
We have helped about 20 in Cambodia. We have just begun in
afford to go to school. We are teaching them to make jewelry
Indonesia. We sponsor education for over 100 in Cambodia.
that can hopefully be marketed here. We know that taking a
Our prayer and our faith is that when my children grow up
child and putting them in a house is not the only solution.
they will be talking about this like we talk about slavery. “Did
There needs to be a complete transformation.
you know that once upon a time there was human trafficking?"
Are there trafficking rings here in Dallas?
To learn more about Chain Reaction and the Selah Gala, visit
Yes, it’s happening here. They target runaways. I know a young Save the date for the Selah Gala
lady who ran away. A wonderful man picked her up. First he
on November 19 at The Marriott at the Shops at Legacy.
wined and dined her and told her how beautiful she was. The