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TDC ENTERTAINMENT, was founded by Terry Card, native of Washington, DC. Terry formed this movement to provide a platform for local media artist, fashion artist, and entertaining artist to amalgamate and provide an abstract of media and entertainment solutions for the community.

TDC Entertainment ....-capture moments-provide entertainment-media and public relations-artistic photography-access to the most diverse talent pool- divisive fashion

We partner with local non profits to educate young people about this industry. This allows us to define beauty and art within themselves and their communities. TDC ENT. believes beauty is everywhere- this organization believes beauty is deeper than skin, it is more abstract and epic when self defined. Once self defined sharing you concept of beauty through art, fashion, photography, modeling, entertainment and exposure.

We plan to host industry avocations...calling all photographers,Models (all sizes and ages), entertainers, poetry, artist, hair stylist, fashion designers, make up artist, green artist, abstract artist and communication professionals.

Terry D. Card


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Photo by Zephyrance Lou