CentrAL INC! | Central Alabama Business Journal Sept/Oct 2023 | Page 24

UPCOMING EVENTS : October 18 24th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
April 17 , 2024 7th Annual Charity Clay Shoot
Mission : To help kids in our community today for a better tomorrow .
Background : In 2001 , MAX Credit Union associates teamed up to establish MAX4Kids , a Foundation committed to making a significant impact in the communities we serve . It has now been over 22 years , and our commitment still holds strong . The Foundation has hosted countless associate-led fundraisers , giving back more than $ 1.5 million to local children ’ s organizations and to the MAX4Kids Scholarship Program .
We welcome new sponsor partners for our annual fundraisers . This could include teams , station sponsors , hole sponsors , or individual donations which can be made online or at one of our convenient branch locations .
Brag Lines : This year , we are awarding $ 50,000 to 10 high school seniors from Autauga , Crenshaw , Elmore , Lee and Montgomery counties . MAX team members deserve to be recognized because year after year , they make personal donations that also contribute to what we are able to do with our funding .
400 Eastdale Circle , Montgomery / 334-215-4642 / mymax . com / max4kids
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