CentrAL INC! | Central Alabama Business Journal Nov/Dec 2023 | Page 47

2023 Statistics


Annual enrollment : 199

• Carpentry
• Electrical
• Plumbing

32 forklift operator certificates

25 students earned their OSHA-10 Hour certificates

In 2022 , Auburn University performed an in-depth analysis about the vocational village project . Researchers interviewed three stakeholder groups : students , correctional officers , and ISTC instructors .
The study showed that students appreciate being housed in a separate location with other students whose focus is on coursework . One student stated , “ Living in the education dorm lets us do class work together as a community and being around people who want to better themselves .”
Correctional officers saw a vast difference in behavior from students who resided in the vocational village community compared to those in general population . Bibb Instructional Service Center operates with the highest percentage of class enrollment compared to other instructional sites . The Vocational Village has transformed the educational experience for Bibb students and has a major impact on student engagement .
“ Living in the education dorm lets us do class work together as a community and being around people who want to better themselves .”
- ISTC HVAC Student
Ingram State is seeking to expand the Vocational Village concept to all major correctional facilities across the state . The model has proven to decrease violence and maintain a positive environment for learning .
Vocational Villages in Alabama ’ s correctional facilities , will be the catalyst to increasing enrollment and program completions at ISTC , integrating successful citizens into society , and reducing recidivism which develops responsible citizens . www . istc . edu Follow Us on Social Media


This project was funded through the Prioritizing Adult Community College Enrollment ( PACCE ) grant .