CentrAL INC! | Central Alabama Business Journal Nov/Dec 2023 | Page 42

Jeannine P . Birmingham


42 CentrAL Inc !
Jeannine P . Birmingham , CPA , CAE , has been with The Alabama Society of Certified Public Accountants ( ASCPA ) for 25 years , serving as its President & CEO for the past 16 . She leads the professional membership organization as it works to enhance the state ’ s accounting profession by advocating for , educating and serving its approximately 6,000 members . But her accounting career journey got a jumpstart from the encouragement and enthusiasm of one committed college professor . Today , Birmingham is paying that passion forward and reaping big rewards by helping the next generation of CPAs reach their full potential .
What is ASCPA ’ s purpose ? ASCPA connects Certified Public Accountants ( CPAs ) and accounting professionals who share common interests and challenges . We protect members through state and federal governmental affairs programs . We also educate members by offering unique , purposeful continuing education in various formats .
What are the main duties / responsibilities of your role with the society ? My top duty is providing strategic leadership . I am accountable for developing and executing ASCPA ’ s long-term strategy , ensuring our goals align with our mission and member values . I also collaborate with our elected , volunteer board of directors on governance . Additionally , I oversee operational management , financial management and external relations for the organization .
What first drew you to accounting ? I unexpectedly found my way into accounting . After completing a math major at Troy University , I was contemplating courses for my upcoming junior year as well as potential career paths , with a four-year scholarship underway . I was encouraged to take an introductory accounting course , and the rest is history . I was motivated by a brilliant professor , passionate about accounting , who inspired me to pursue a second major in the subject and become a CPA . To this day , the leadership skills , professional responsibility and diligent work habits instilled by this professor remain major influences on my career .
What ’ s the No . 1 challenge the ASCPA faced last year , and how did you and your team manage it ? The top challenge currently is building the talent pipeline and improving employee retention . Nationwide , shifts in postsecondary education are impacting accounting enrollment , as are demographic changes ( the
silver tsunami ” of retirements ) and evolving technology . To address these challenges , ASCPA is focused on increasing awareness of accounting careers for middle school and high school students . We are also creating college programs for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and two-year institutions and working with firms to evolve their cultures to improve retention . Aside from talent pipeline issues , frequent changes to tax laws and regulations pose an ongoing challenge for the accounting profession . Compliance standards change nearly every year , making it difficult for accountants to stay current .
What does leadership look like to you ? Effective leadership requires embracing change , remaining adaptable and taking on challenges . Skilled leaders have the ability to motivate and inspire others to accomplish shared goals .
What ’ s the most fulfilling aspect of your work ? Seeing strategies through to completion that deliver value to our members , collaborating on national initiatives where I can both share Alabama ’ s perspective and gain knowledge to bring back to ASCPA , and working with aspiring young professionals . Engaging with intelligent , talented students and recent graduates who represent the future of the accounting profession is tremendously rewarding . I look forward to seeing where their energy and skills will lead the field next .
Photography by Grace O ’ Connor .