CentrAL INC! | Central Alabama Business Journal Nov/Dec 2023 | Page 17

Cancer Wellness Foundation


The women behind the scenes at the Cancer Wellness Foundation play a small but significant role in cancer patients ’ recovery journey , providing transportation or reloadable gas cards to and from treatments , obtaining prescription medications for free or at a low cost , giving Chemo Comfort Care bags and free wigs to patients and providing nutrition assistance when needed .
WE ARE EXCITED ABOUT the fact that funds donated to our Foundation go straight to local cancer patients in central Alabama . Your donations , whether monetary or items on our wish list , make a positive difference close to home . - Jennifer Sims
WE MAKE AN IMPACT BY taking the burden of transportation or the high cost of medications off of the patient so that they can focus on their treatment and recovery . - Allyson Blankenship
YOU WOULD NEVER GUESS that many of our patients drive over 100 miles to receive their cancer treatments , which makes our gas assistance program so important . - Allyson Blankenship
WE ’ VE LEARNED THE HARD WAY that we can ’ t help everyone . There is such a great need in central Alabama that expands beyond what we can provide . - Carol Gunter
OUR CLIENTS DO BUSINESS WITH US BECAUSE we provide a service that no one else in the community does by giving direct patient support . - Carol Gunter
WE VALUE the physicians , nurse practitioners , nurses and all leadership and support staff at the Montgomery Cancer Center and Prattville Clinic . - Carol Gunter
OUR SECRET SAUCE is working collaboratively every day with the physicians , nurses , patients , pharmacists and transportation companies — being the liaison for the patient . We always have our “ ears and eyes to the streets ” trying to find new ways to serve our patients . - Melodie Trammell
WE ARE PROUD OF the patients we help every day . It ’ s a game changer for them to know that help is available . - Michelle Cely
I HOPE WOMEN WILL not underestimate the value they have in the workplace . We are an all-female staff making an impact in excess of $ 35 million annually . Don ’ t underestimate what you bring to the table . - Michelle Cely
Pictured ( L to R ): Jennifer Sims , Executive Assistant ; Michelle Cely , Medication Coordinator ; Carol Gunter , Executive Director ; Melodie Trammell , Program Assistant ; Allyson Blankenship , Transportation Coordinator
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