CentrAL INC! | Central Alabama Business Journal No January/February 2025 | Page 30

THE Montgomery Academy

The Montgomery Academy ’ s mission is to develop leaders committed to honor , scholarship , service and the pursuit of excellence . MA is a vibrant community of learning that cultivates academic , artistic and athletic excellence . The Montgomery Academy serves K-12 students in the River Region on its two campuses located on Perry Hill Road for Lower School , grades K-4 , and Vaughn Road for Middle School and Upper School , grades 5-12 .

Q & A with John McWilliams , Head of School , The Montgomery Academy

How has the world of student recruitment shifted and how are you adapting ?
One of the most significant changes in school admissions in recent years has been the increase in the use of technology . Many families — particularly those moving to Montgomery — use websites and social media as a primary mechanism for getting to know a school . While we always pride ourselves on the personal touch of an in-person tour , we ’ ve also adapted our approach to revitalize our school ’ s website and to engage productively in social media channels to celebrate and share all of the aMAzing things happening on our campuses .
How do you manage the competition and make sure your message is heard ?
We have great respect for all educators and educational institutions in our area as they seek to fulfill their missions and support the young people of our community . At MA , we simply strive to live out our mission as a school . Our focus on leadership development guides all of our decisions and also inspires our administration , faculty and staff as they approach their work with our young people . To share our message , we focus on sharing authentic moments that capture the essence of what happens on our campus on a daily basis .
What new programs have you launched ?
The most significant new effort that we ’ ve launched on our campus recently has been a new comprehensive approach to personal electronic devices across our school . We have taken the bold step of limiting student access to personal electronic devices across all divisions while also giving students the age-appropriate technological tools that they need to succeed as young learners . We believe this approach allows our students to be the best versions of themselves as they engage in their enduring “ pursuit of excellence .”
We ’ ve also been keenly interested in our community and ensuring that our students are aware of the opportunities and issues facing the River Region . Our “ City as Our School ” program introduces MA students to various institutions in the Montgomery area . In recent years , students have visited the Alabama Shakespeare Festival , the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts , Baptist Hospital , the EJI Legacy Museum and Montgomery Whitewater .
To build leadership skills in our Lower School , we ’ ve also created “ Eagle Assembly ,” a comprehensive leadership training program for 4th grade students . These students engage in weekly meetings to learn leadership skills and to help plan special events for our youngest learners .
How does Montgomery Academy stand out ?
The Montgomery Academy is a unique place . We stand apart from other schools in our commitment to our mission , our core values , our approach to education and above all , our community . It all begins with the community that our youngest students find as they enter the Lower School which continues through Middle School and Upper School , finally culminating when they walk across the stage at Commencement and depart MA for the next stage of their journey . Throughout their time at MA , our students learn the skills and habits of thought that encourage them to engage in an ever-evolving effort to become the best versions of themselves as they prepare for future opportunities to lead .
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