A new year brings new
opportunities — and technology
is no exception .
Each year , advancements in
technology offer numerous
ways to make your business
more efficient , effective
and competitive . New tools
can create capabilities you
never had before . New software
can provide valuable
insights . And new artificial
intelligence features can
enhance productivity like
never before .
With so many new technology innovations and opportunities on the horizon for 2025 , where do you begin ? How can you keep up with modern advancements and position your company to take full advantage of them ? How should you prioritize pursuing all of the wonderful new opportunities available ? And how can you develop a technology strategy that leverages these innovations to set your business up for success in the coming year ?
The truth is that — even with all the new technology opportunities on the horizon — the best way to make the most of
technology for your company actually isn ’ t to onboard all of the newest and shiniest solutions .
Ultimately , the best way to strategize your technology for the future is to grasp where your systems are today fully . After all , knowing where your organization ’ s technology stands is the precursor to effectively improving it .
Without a full picture of your current IT operations , you can ’ t determine if a new AI tool will benefit your organization or just add unnecessary costs . Without identifying potential vulnerabilities in your systems , you won ’ t know which cybersecurity measures are most beneficial and which might be redundant . Without reviewing your current IT infrastructure , software , policies and growth initiatives , you can ’ t assess if they ensure sufficient business benefits and continuity in unforeseen events or if you ’ re currently exposed to risks .
That ’ s why gaining a robust , objective and clear picture of your current information technology and data security is the most important technology move you can make for your business in 2025 . Only after you ’ ve outlined your current situation and your unique organization ’ s
goals can you best identify which areas to prioritize within your technology .
At least once each year , it ’ s important to review all of your technology hardware and software and conduct an inventory of your assets . Consider your cybersecurity compliance obligations , assess your proactive cybersecurity prevention measures and fully record how your organization interacts with and stores data . Consider your IT-related policies and review your procedures for responding to a breach . Beyond these individual assessments , consider how all of your assets interact and integrate with each other for a comprehensive look at your company ’ s IT landscape .
The new opportunities of a new year are exciting , and we ’ re all looking forward to seeing what technology advancements can positively impact our companies in 2025 . New tools are being developed every day that promise game-changing solutions for companies , and many may be great additions to your organization . But remember , to effectively implement improvements to your company ’ s technology in the future , you must begin with fully understanding your current technology position today .
Emily Jones serves as the
Principal Practice Leader
for Warren Averett
Technology Group .
Emily . Jones @ warrenaverett . com |
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