CentrAL INC! | Central Alabama Business Journal No January/February 2025 | Page 19

COVERING the Bases

Robinson possesses additional distinctions , too . Her time in the military and her work with the governor inform her views on a variety of topics and issues . “ I understand the federal government , the state government , and then I ’ m a business owner too , plus my community involvements ,” she says . “ Combined , these things give me a unique perspective .”
And she ’ s bringing it all to the Chamber , where she hopes to boost small businesses , and in turn , boost the region ’ s prosperity . “ I plan to focus on bringing forth and supporting the talent we have here in small businesses and advocate for more focused growth and development in that sector , particularly in innovation and tech ,” Robinson says . “ All small businesses need more resources , and when they thrive , everyone thrives . They create the backbone needed to bring the big businesses here .” She ’ s also excited about the future young Montgomerians are building . “ There are many young people coming here and staying here and doing positive things , so I want to amplify what they ’ re doing , too .”
With that in mind , Robinson ’ s three primary goals as Chairman are fortifying small business infrastructure , fortifying workforce and talent initiatives and fostering stronger regional and state relations . “ I want to see more collaboration ,” she says . “ We work together now , but those bonds need to be even tighter than they are .”

“ There is no other way , no better way , to grow and scale and add to your business and to the quality of life here than getting involved in our Chamber .”

PRIDE of Place

“ I am not from here , but I love it here . I ’ m a selfappointed ambassador for Montgomery and Alabama ,” Robinson says . “ And I love changing people ’ s minds about this place .” But it ’ s not only outsiders she endeavors to convince . “ We need to quit talking down about ourselves . There are things to improve , but let ’ s not only talk about them , let ’ s roll up personal feelings and come together to step up and be part of the solution . I ’ m asking everyone to do that .”
Robinson knows we can because she ’ s seen it already . Noting for any friction , there ’ s also a steady stream of communication . “ Even if we disagree , we do talk , and that doesn ’ t happen everywhere ,” she says . “ That ’ s one of Montgomery ’ s best attributes .”


2025 Chamber Chairman Stacia Robinson is embedded in Montgomery , and since coming to the city more than 30 years ago , she ’ s participated in more than 40 different community organizations . But they share several themes . “ I ’ m always interested in business , justice and groups that serve women and underserved communities ,” she says .
She ’ s currently a member of the Montgomery Rotary Club ( and is a past president ) and sits on Renasant Bank ’ s advisory board and the National Federation of Independent Business leadership council , a post she ’ s occupied for 20 years .
In between it all , Robinson makes time for her family ( her husband Toy and their grown daughter and son ) and several beloved hobbies , including playing handbells in her church , playing violin and seeing the world . “ I love travel ; I got that from my mother , who in the summers would wake us up and say ‘ Get dressed . We ’ re going to go get lost today ’,” she says . So far , she ’ s been to Canada , South America , all over Europe , South Africa and 48 states . “ I ’ ve only got Alaska and North Dakota left ,” she says .
Want to make an impact ? Join the Montgomery Chamber . montgomerychamber . com | ( 334 ) 834-5200