Hope Eakins
Hope Eakins is the Digital Marketing Coordinator at AlaCOMP . Starting as an administrative assistant in 2021 , she quickly advanced to her current role , overseeing digital marketing initiatives and events . Eakins ’ unique background in the restaurant industry brings a fresh perspective to her work , earning her the “ Best Content Creator ” award from AAF Montgomery . She is also committed to her community , serving on the board of AAF , as Social Media and Technology Chair for Alabama Independent Insurance Agents and co-founding Montgomery Insurance Gals .
Marche` Johnson
Marche` Johnson has been serving as Montgomery City Councilwoman since May 2021 and as a Financial Services Representative since August 2023 . In her role with New York Life , she provides financial support to local schools and grief support to families . A career highlight was being named a 40 Under 40 honoree among municipal elected officials across the nation . Johnson is deeply committed to her community , spending her days engaging with residents and ensuring her efforts — whether through public service or financial services — create lasting , positive impacts for families .
Courtney Lowry
Courtney Lowry is a Realtor with REMAX Cornerstone Plus , having started her career in June 2022 . She specializes in guiding clients through the buying and selling process , providing expert advice on market trends , property values and neighborhood details . Lowry is dedicated to helping sellers effectively market their homes and assisting buyers in finding properties that meet their needs and budget . She also negotiates deals and manages the transaction process to ensure everything runs smoothly . Lowry is deeply involved in her local chamber and regularly participates in networking events .