CentrAL INC! | Central Alabama Business Journal March/April 2023 | Page 31

Amerika Blair
Operations Manager , Fair and Just Prosecution Amerika ’ s role involves operations management , internal communications strategy , outreach and advocacy and more . Her commitment to servant leadership shines through her duties with the United States Air Force Reserves and her involvement with organizations like Safe Space Montgomery and the Montgomery Mayor ’ s Young Professionals Council .
Trey Dailey , Pharm D .
Assistant Director of Pharmacy Operations , Jackson Hospital & Clinic , Inc . Trey oversees all pharmacy operations for Jackson Hospital & Clinic , Inc . He assumed his role at the onset of the pandemic and was able to circumnavigate medication shortages and allotment restrictions to avoid treatment delays and administer 10,000-plus vaccinations .
Abby Basinger
VP of Corporate Communications , Goodwyn Mills Cawood Abby is responsible for developing and managing public relations , employee communications , community outreach and more . She credits her success to her mentors and pays it forward by focusing on personally and professionally investing in others . She is involved with the River Region United Way , the Mayor ’ s Young Professionals Council and more .