Page 22 CentralBeat / BeautyBeat May 2017
Beauty Secrets From Around The World
Beauty does lie in the eye of the beholder , but there is some beauty that everyone can see . Good hair and good skin look really great , and are a sign of a healthy body overall . We end up investing in products that keep us looking great and feeling great , but sometimes , we are limited by the options available at the stores around us . However , people used natural substances before the rise of storebought beauty products of today , and each country has its own little beauty secret to provide . Sometimes , you don ’ t have to look farther than your own kitchen for healthy and natural substances for better hair and skin ! Spain : Spanish women swear by potatoes as a great treatment for dark circles and to lighten up the skin around the eyes . Just peel off a slice of the potato and leave it below your eyes for 10 minutes . The results take some time to work , but eventually , the darker areas around your eyes will completely disappear . India : Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its distinct yellow color . Aside from being really good for your overall health when used in good quantities , turmeric is also fantastic for skin care . It is packed with antioxidants , reduces inflammation of the skin and clears up acne and acne scars when used over a long period of time . You can make a face pack with a mixture of yogurt , turmeric and a teaspoon of lemon juice for soft , supple and glowing skin . Australia : Papaya skin cream works wonders on all types of skin ailments . Papayas contain an enzyme called papain that reduces dark spots and evens out skin tone , repair signs of age , exfoliating dead skin and getting rid of unwanted hair . It also helps to heal cuts , burns , scrapes , eczema , helps to heal chapped lips and soothes skin irritation . It ’ s an amazing product for overall skin care . South America : Avocado is not only a delicious fruit to eat , but also wonderful for your skin and hair . Avocado is a deep moisturizing agent , and keeps the skin supple and healthy . You can spread the raw avocado fruit over your face , or you can mix mashed up avocado and milk for better results . You can make a mixture of avocado , banana and olive oil , and run the mixture into the scalp and run it across your hair to make a mask . It conditions and softens your hair , and keeps the scalp healthy naturally . Greece : Olive oil is known for its excellent hydrating and moisturizing properties , and has been a staple in beauty regimes for the women of Greece . Your skin , lips and hair all benefit immensely , thanks to the power of olive oil . It nourishes and hydrates your entire body , leaving your hair and skin extremely soft and healthy . Russia : Russian women are known for combining and using natural treatments for their hair and skin . A mixture of pasty oatmeal ( leave the oatmeal in the water for more than 10 minutes to make a paste ), olive oil and some lemon juice makes an amazing face pack , and when left on the skin for around 10 minutes and washed off , leaves your skin glowing and even toned . France : French women have great insights into beauty regimes , and they know a thing or two about excellent skin and nail care . A mixture of warm water and lemon juice can get rid of nail stains and rejuvenates the nail before a new coat of varnish . French women also know the secret to beautiful and hydrated skin : milk . Adding 3 cups of milk into your bath beforehand can give your skin a fresh and hydrated look .
( CureJoy )
This New Sauna Promises to Heal Skin
We all know that when it comes to our skin that the sun is enemy number-one . Not only can it increase your risk of , but it can also lead to unwanted pigment , redness , photo-damage and accelerated signs of aging .
A modern iteration of the wood-paneled sauna and infrared wraps melded into one , the futuristic-looking ( the top lifts up so you can lay down inside on the far infrared mat and then closes ) SaunaPod employs infrared light therapy without heating the surrounding air to help detox skin without making you feel like your sweating it out in a hot box .
“ Because your head is resting outside of the pod , you have access to fresh air and muchneeded oxygen for the most efficient and effective detox possible ,” says Jourdan Rystrom , director and transformation coach at SaunaBar , Los Angeles .
Acting as a natural sunburn remedy , the pods work to decrease inflammation in the skin
and speed up healing time , too . Rystrom explains that the treatment helps to undo skin damage because of the light therapy instilled in the device . “ There are red lights located along the top of the pod that hit all parts of the body during a session . They penetrate deep into the epidermis and work to heal on a cellular level .”
Besides giving the skin a gorgeous glow and detoxing the
body by expelling toxins and improve circulation , spending a single 30- to 40-minute session ( done three times a week ) in a SaunaPod can burn upward of 600 calories . Lined with 440 healing jade stones , Rystrom says that because your inner body temperature is heated up , your body has the same response it does to a cardio .
( Courtesy New Beauty )
6 Skin Care Ingredients That Really Work
Trying to decipher a skin care product label can be downright confusing . Some brands use highly scientific terms and some take a more user-friendly approach . Regardless of which words are splattered on the bottle , these six ingredients are the ones to look for according to these top derms who sing their praises . Retinol : New York dermatologist Rachel Nazarian , MD , considers retinol the gold standard for anti-aging . “ It has the ability to stimulate collagen production to keep skin looking plump and youthful ,” she says . Hyaluronic Acid : “ Especially good for those with dry skin , hyaluronic acid draws moisture into skin and prevents it from leaving ,” says New York dermatologist Marnie Nussbaum , MD . The result ? A plumper , more youthful look . Tretinoin ( aka Retin-A ): “ Tretinoin , out of all the topicals , has the most evidence supporting its anti-aging effects ,” says Boca Raton , FL , dermatologist Robyn Siperstein , MD . “ A lot of people incorrectly believe it thins the
Every time a new season comes around , a different hair trend seems to come with it . But while we ’ re used to seeing trends like Bardot bangs or “ blorange ” hair colours emerging every few months , rarely do we see something so different than your classic hair shades arise — until now , that is .
Enter : Holographic hair . It ’ s the latest hair trend to appear and it ’ s utterly mesmerizing . The bright , iridescent , and borderline reflective hair shade is unlike any of the pastel colours seen trending in the past .
According to HelloGiggles , the pearlescent style began with a hair and colour stylist based out of the Ross Michaels Salon using blonde shades of Olaplex
skin because the skin can peel as a side effect , however , it has been proven in multiple studies to increase collagen and thicken the skin to decrease wrinkles if used regularly .” Glycolic Acid : New York dermatologist Howard Sobel , MD , says this type of alphahydroxy acid ( AHAs ) works by helping to separate dead skin cells that accumulate and stick together as we get older , making our skin appear dull and getting rid of that translucent rosy glow . “ Using glycolic acid every day will help keep your skin looking young and radiant with less fine lines and wrinkles ,” he adds . Vitamin C : “ It ’ s a fantastic antioxidant that is capable of lightening dark spots from ultraviolet radiation ,” says Dr . Nazarian . Niacinamide : “ Products that contain this ingredient are great for UV protection and hyperpigmentation repair ,” says New York dermatologist Dendy Engelman , MD . Dr . Nazarian adds , “ It also has anti-inflammatory properties that decrease redness and allow skin to look more calm and even-toned .”
Holographic Hair Is Mesmerizing
mixed with Pravana shades in Violet ( Express Tones ), Pastels Luscious Lavender and Blissful Blue . The result is positively magical , with the kind of vibe that ’ s reminiscent of all the unicorn beauty looks that ’ s blowing up now .
While you won ’ t be able to get enough of this super shiny look , it ’ s important to note that with this many shades you can do a bit of damage to your locks if you don ’ t care for it properly . So , make sure to always use a shampoo and conditioner that ’ s made specifically for colour treated hair and brush up on the list of things you should never do after a dye job — it ’ ll make a huge difference in the health of your hair .