Are you the sort of person who can ’ t imagine starting your day until you ’ ve had your morning coffee ? If you ’ re curious at all about seeing what it would be like to start the day without your usual cup of joe , then read on ! Although there ’ s nothing like that aromatic smell , coffee still contains caffeine , which is a stimulant to the nervous system . It ’ s also dehydrating , and consuming too much too often can increase a number of metabolic effects on the body such as increased heart rate , increased blood pressure , fatigue , adrenal exhaustion , and reduced stomach acid leading to digestive issues . So what are some tips for smart coffee consumption ? First , hydrate before you caffeinate . I know that in the morning , the quickest thing is to grab a cup of coffee to go , but first and foremost , make sure you hydrate your body . A mug of warm water with a little |
lemon wakes up your digestive system and clears away toxins that your body has been accumulating and working to get rid of while you ’ ve been asleep . Second , be choosy about the type of coffee you consume . If possible , purchase from a local vendor or find an organic option that you trust . Not only will you be supporting small business , you ’ ll be drinking something far less processed and acidic to your body . Third , the best way to consume coffee is just on its own , Americano style . Adding refined and processed sugary syrups , dairy , and preservatives depletes what coffee really is . True aficionados would probably agree in saying it isn ’ t a real coffee with all those added extras ! As for alternatives , here are two drinks that are just as delicious and satisfying as coffee but a whole lot |
easier on your system . Dandy Latte Dandelions are so very underrated . The little yellow flower that everyone likes to weed out of their lawns should actually be finding its way onto your plate and into your diet . Each part of the plant — stem , leaves , and flower — provides its own specific benefits for the body , and the taste of the tea has a surprisingly similar flavour to that of coffee . Dandelions are great for our digestive system ; they stimulate the production of bile , help get the stomach juices flowing , and support our liver all at once .
Ingredients 1 cup strongly brewed organic dandelion tea ¼ cup coconut or hemp milk 1 heaped teaspoon coconut oil Optional : Sweeten with a little raw honey or coconut sugar
Liquid Gold Elixir If you haven ’ t already been including turmeric into your diet , here ’ s the perfect way to add this amazing anti-inflammatory spice into your diet . Turmeric has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years as a healing remedy for various ailments . Heated with a little milk and lots of warming spices , it ’ s wonderful for warding off colds and keeping your immune system in tiptop shape . This is a great one to have before bed , too !
¼ teaspoon cinnamon Pinch of ground black pepper Pinch of Himalayan sea salt Optional : Pinch of cayenne pepper for extra heat
For each of the drinks , gently heat the milk in a saucepan on the stove . Just
before it boils , remove from the heat and add the rest of the ingredients . Whisk everything together until smooth and frothy . Drink as it is , or for an extra foamy treat , add the mix to a high-speed blender . Pour into a cup and enjoy ! |
Ingredients 1 cup coconut or almond milk 1 heaped teaspoon coconut oil 1 teaspoon raw honey ½ teaspoon turmeric powder ¼ to ½ teaspoon freshly grated ginger or ¼ teaspoon ground ginger |