Centerlife - Happiness Through Nature's Design May 2019 | Page 31

Centers Produce Halo Shaped Creations Nature generates halo-shaped creations through an ingenious partnership between centers and the fields surrounding them. As you’ll remember from Chapter 1, centers produce halo-like forms as a natural outcome of the universe’s creative process (see Chapter 1 for a refresher). In essence, the evenly radiating fields from centers shape their surroundings into a well-like shape akin to a bowling ball sitting on a trampoline. While providing a readymade visual depiction of how fields shape their surroundings, the 2D trampoline analogy oversimplifies the actual 3D reality. In fact, when the trampoline analogy is applied to its true representation in the 3D world in which we live, the outcome is a full circle, halo-like form as depicted in the next image. But that’s just the first half of the equation. As discussed in Chapter 1, fields than interact with things in their surroundings, causing them to align inward, affix to, and congeal about their originating center. In the end forming a halo-shaped creation that mimics the halo-shaped, often invisible field underlying it. You can readily visualize the underlying configuration of fields, and how they structure the ‘creation’ forming about them, via the following image. Here a magnet’s field is exposed by the metal filings positioned about the central magnet. A spider web forms a field around the spider. The bugs in the web form the larger, extended creation. Halo forms are also readily visible in the heavens. For instance, planets and suns form spherical halos around the gravitational centers at their core. Halos can also be seen in globular cluster formations as well as the shape of invisible dark matter that encircles galaxies.