Centerlife - Happiness Through Nature's Design May 2019 | Page 3

Centerlife By Jin Nua ISBN 978-0-9911145-8-0 Published by Centerpath Books Publishing LLC Copyright Jin Nua 2019 All rights reserved. This e-Book is licensed to the individual who purchased it under the conditions stated at the website This e-Book is not to be sold, copied, or gifted to any others. No part of this e-Book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system. Reproduction, retransmission, or redistribution in any form is illegal and strictly forbidden, as is continuous and regular dissemination of any general or specific information. The use of any material included herein must be approved and writ- ten permission be gained from the author. Limited quotations or citations may be utilized only if full credit is given to the author. For permission requests, contact the author at [email protected]. Note: This E-Book is written solely for informational and educational purposes and the material contained herein is set out in good faith. It is each reader’s responsi- bility to assess and determine whether or not to apply any of the suggestions con- tained herein, and to seek professional advice if in any doubt. In no way can the reader infer any claims or guarantees whatsoever or hold the publisher or author accountable for any information included herein. It is an express condition of buy- ing and using this e-Book that you hold neither the author nor the publisher liable for any consequence arising from interpretation of or action taken upon any of the information herein contained. All images and quotations sourced from Shutterstock or Wikimedia Commons (wi- and are in the Public Domain unless noted otherwise. All images are intended for simple illustrative purposes only. Their use does not constitute the support of Centerpath Book Publishing LLC or Centerlife.