Centerlife - Happiness Through Nature's Design May 2019 | Page 15

Act III: A Creation Takes Hold But no matter the type of field the outcome is always similarly the same. The field conditions the surrounding space –distorting and shaping it into a 3D halo-like geometry about the originating center causing “like” things in their surroundings (electrons, entities, peoples, parts, etc.) to stir, shake, move, react to, and align inward towards the object at the bottom of the well. Overtime the overall process shaping a group of ‘like’ parts into a larger, coherent overall ‘whole’ form about its originating center (the overall shape of the whole in fact mimics the form of the invisible fields underlying them). These are the center- oriented forms of spirals, circles, spheres, radials, clusters, and branching systems which we examine in more detail at the end of this chapter. Each and every such creation ultimately comprised of different composition and circumstances yet all sharing the same overall center skewed design about a single and central center –the place where they started and continue to grow and be perpetuated from. Witness ‘Acts’ of Creation Everywhere You can see spontaneous acts of creation everywhere around you. It’s the moon spinning around our planet overhead and the yearly path our planet navigates around the sun at the heart of our solar system. It’s what draws scores of animals and insects into flocks around their shared identity, and what unites entire societies of peoples about shared identities and purposes You create such a pattern every time you arrive at a conclusion, make a plan, or perform a ritual about a purpose (including brushing your teeth, washing dishs, praying, and preparing a meal). A good example to glean the transcendental and flexibility of the process is the structure of a book. All the layers of a book share the same center-oriented pattern. Consider how each of the following centers organize a larger, center-oriented device about it. • A Book’s Title is the Center of the Overall Book • Chapter Titles are a Chapter’s Center • A Paragraph’s Theme is the Center of a Paragraph • The Subject of a Sentence is its Center