Cenizo Journal Winter 2013 | Page 6

Ed it or’s Not es by Dallas Baxter M!#% N%#" !*#%#(%O#)%% J)K. F&$#$)(#%G#))#(*) ,)H+#&+)%,&&( B#))&%)H##%E("7#) !'#%%&&%()-%+%,("()- /012%)3$3%5%1%'3$3 6#%7)*#(%"%%*!#%#,#%"% ) =1>3>>?31@1@ >2@%63%!AB#"##-D%E(#)"("& HARPER ’ S Hardware Presidio’s favorite hardware store for almost a century tools • plumbing supplies • home & garden Monday - Saturday 7:30 am to 6 pm 701 O’Reilly Street • Presidio • 432-229-3256 located on HWY 118 &)#$-&'()((*+,(--. 4 mi. S. of Fort Davis /('#2(32() (5)+-(7$/#, )*&((;<=>(?)(<3$- closed major holidays #&),&'('$$)+(")&#'$2, Open 9-5, Mon.-Sat. 0 0 0 2 # ' + # 2 ) + ! / E F < E G / < F / ; ; www.cdri.org 432-364-2499 Butterfly Count—July 1 OPEN JULY H$%&($'/$(-$!&() (0#(-&+6,(#+2,-$&(#&&$+(,%#&,(-)K 4TH Desert after Dark Night Hikes—July 9, 16, 23, 30 4( *#%&(-)(-"&(-)*() (M&$2-)(6,(N/&+&))%( )+(EGO('&!+&&(/#&0, What’s in a Name? Herpetofauna Lecture on Taxonomy +"#&&(-"&+&(&&$+(($P).-(-"#,($+&$6,(!&)&)!2($-($(($'$3#(!( and Status—July 14 !&)&)!##$&(&1"#P#-2 4( Summer +&(%()0()(&(*&$#&(-"$-(0#&&(P&(0$+'T().+(#$#-.,(!+&&(").,&2 Constellations, Saturn & the Milky Way H"&(!+&&(").,&(").,&,(".('+&',() (#$#-#($('(P2(-"&(&('() ( Stargazing—July 16, 30 5&P+.$+2(,)'&(0#&&("$/&($'$3#(!&2(#)&)+ .&(P&))',2 Desert Rat Club Summer Day Camp—July 18–22 4( N.+(?)'&,-$(M$(2)((-+$#&(0#&&(#(/#!)+$-&($('($'$3&(2).2( N((-"#,(-+$#&(2).(0#&&(#+),,(!+$,,&$(',>(/&(-.+&(#((-)($(,'$&&(#$(2)( Annual BBQ & Benefit Auction—August 6 $('(0$&%(*$,-(,*+#(!,($('('#!"-2('$'+)(&(-+&&,2 Change your Perspective: Climb Mt. Livermore —September 10 ?$+#"(--(5(-G V.#'&'(*#%&,($-(-O($'(4(H$&%,($-(F*' Butterfly Count—September 17 and volunteers in Big Bend National Park. Ron Payne, park volunteer, shares his experience gath- ering oral histories. An exciting trip into the land of the Tarahumara in Central Mexico is an experience many who live in the Big Bend have shared. But perhaps not quite like the Santa Semana that Charles Angell lived through on a recent adventure. It is said that every plant out here either sticks, pokes or stabs you as you encounter it. If that’s so, you should know what you’re up against in the pastures and mountains of the Chihuahuan Desert. Jean Nance will introduce you! Marfa seems to be endlessly creative and nowhere more so than in its Chamber of Commerce e-newsletter. What, you say? Yes – it’s a place to find the most expressive and evocative images of Marfa things, large and small. Enjoy the photo essay with images by Martha Hughes and Bonita Barlow and a narrative by Jack Copeland. Poets Nelson Sager, Clarence Wolfshohl and Larry Thomas give pause, enthrall and ponder in this issue. And to test your knowledge of area ranches, past and present, Charlie Angell offers Trans Pecos Trivia. Two staff changes to report and people to thank – Drew Stuart and Martha Latta have been copy editor and business manager of Cenizo from the beginning – four years and counting of great work from both of them. Thank you! And hello to Danielle Gallo and Lou Pauls in those jobs. Looking forward to the future with your talents. Welcome! See you in the spring! Published by Cenizo Journal LLC P.O. Box 2025, Alpine, Texas 79831 www.cenizojournal.com C E NIZO J OU R N AL STAFF PUBLISHER/EDITOR/ADVERTISING Dallas Baxter [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER Lou Pauls [email protected] WEB MANAGER Jennifer Turner [email protected] GRAPHICS Christine Olejniczak [email protected] SUBSCRIPTIONS Cenizo Journal will be mailed direct for $25.00 annually. Checks made payable to: Cenizo Journal, P.O. Box 2025, Alpine, Texas 79831 V# -(,")*(0#&&("&+$&'(#((,*+#(!W Fall Bird Count—September 24 !"#"$%"$%&'()*)+,'-)*)%+."'/&*,#,$,)0'1*,2'3! Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute, Est. 1974 6 7282'9:;'!<=0'>:+,'(%?#*0'@A' ! B6 P.O. Box 905, Fort Davis, TX 79734 6 Y ikes – Where did 2012 go? And now we have to learn how to write 2013 – it usual- ly takes me well into February! Here’s a wish for you to have your best, most healthy and loving year ever. We start off this issue with Phyllis Dunham’s love of Wild Rose Pass. You may feel the same way about this beautiful spot in the Davis Mountains. Read on! New folks come into the Trans-Pecos, but there are some treasures who are here now and were here then. One such is Marfa’s Brit Webb. You’ll love his story by Barbara Novovitch. You may know C. M. Mayo for her 24 podcast series on the Big Bend. In this issue she’s down along the river exploring that most basic and ancient building material – adobe. Jim Glendinning returns with three very dis- tinct Big Bend voices who bring incredibly diverse backgrounds to their love of public radio as show hosts on KRTS Marfa Public Radio. Did you know that Front Street in Fort Davis was once part of the important and much-used San Antonio-El Paso road? Bob Miles takes us on a tour of the road then and now. We may lack water and lush vegetation, but one thing the Trans-Pecos has is rocks! Danielle Gallo explores our mineral riches in her story on mining. Who? The Great Horned Owl is the subject of Jim Sage’s observations. Working to make all the voices of our history heard is the oral history project conducted by staff Cenizo First Quarter 2013 SUBMISSION Deadline for advertising and editorial for the Second Quarter 2013 issue: February 15, 2013. Art, photographic and literary works may be e-mailed to the Editor. For advertising rates or to place an ad, contact: [email protected]