Cenizo Journal Summer 2013 | Page 6

C enizo Jo urna l Volume 5 Number 3 C ONTRI B UTORS Charles Angell lives near Ruidosa. Exploring the Big Bend area is both his hobby and his occu- pation. e-mail:[email protected]. ST. JONAH ORTHODOX CHURCH ◊ Come, See & Hear the Services of Early Christianity Sunday 10 am • Wednesday 6:30 pm 405 E. Gallego Avenue • Alpine, TX 79830 bigbendorthodox.org • 832-969-1719 Danielle Gallo is a writer who is proud to be the editor of the Cenizo Journal. She came to the Big Bend in 2002 and currently lives in Marathon with her family. e-mail: [email protected] Vicki Gibson is a professional photographer specializing in fine art landscapes. She spent the previous 18 years living in the Texas Hill Country before moving to McDonald Observatory in November 2012. email: [email protected] Jim Glendinning, an Oxford-educated Scot, lives in Alpine. The story of his travels, Footloose Scot, has just been published as has Legendary Locals of the Big Bend & Davis Mountains for Arcadia Press. e-mail: [email protected] HARPER ’ S Hardware Presidio’s favorite hardware store for almost a century tools • plumbing supplies • home & garden Monday - Saturday 7:30 am to 6 pm 701 O’Reilly Street • Presidio • 432-229-3256 Jim N. Hammond is a Historian and current- ly the Director of the Annie Riggs Museum in Historic Fort Stockton. A transplanted East Texan, Jim’s interest is in Texas History with a focus on the Fort system, nationhood to seces- sion and westward expansion in Texas. He has consulted for television shows and movies and loves to go to the sites where history happened. email: [email protected] Bob Miles is a third generation native of the Davis Mountains area and a retired Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Park superintendent. e-mail: [email protected]. Barbara Novovitch worked as an editor/ reporter for Reuters international news in Washington, New York, Hong Kong and Paris. She covered West Texas for the New York Times and lives in Marathon. e-mail: [email protected]. Radio f or a Wide Range Luc Novovitch is a former news photographer for Reuters, AFP and Gamma agencies. See his travel and documentary photographs on the internet. Web: offiwent.com Cynta de Narvaez lives in Terlingua, where her advocacy for open borders and economic independence for local Mexican communities has had a deep impact in Big Bend border towns. A long-time river guide, she is now a hotelier in the Terlingua Ghost Town. e-mail: [email protected] Chris Ruggia is a graphic designer and illus- trator. He and his wife Ellen, own Vast Graphics and live in Alpine. e-mail:chris@ vastgraphics.com Wendy Lynn Wright is an artist, musician, graphic designer and teaches art at Marfa Elementary school. She lives in Casa Piedra. e-mail: [email protected] Carolyn Brown Zniewski Food writer and recipe columnist for ten years withseveral Minneapolis, MN neighborhood newspapers. Lives in Marathon, TX much of the year. e-mail:[email protected] Maya Zniewski is an herbalist and soapmaker who enjoys frequent visits to the Big Bend area. Her handmade salves, soaps and tinctures are available at her website, mayamade.net. e-mail: [email protected] Cover: Lost Mine Trail by Mimi Litschauer. Courtesy of Marshall Miller. Occasional Art: Wendy Lynn Wright; “Rodeo Images” digitally drawn. Copy editor: Lou Pauls Published by Cenizo Journal LLC P.O. Box 2025, Alpine, Texas 79831 www.cenizojournal.com Serving F ar W es t T e x as a t 9 3.5 FM C E N I ZO J OUR N AL S TAFF PUBLISHER Carolyn Zniewski Bec ome a member a t www . marf apublicr adio . or g or 1-800-90 3-KR T S 6 Cenizo Third Quarter 2013 EDITOR Danielle Gallo ADVERTISING Danielle Gallo [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER Lou Pauls WEB MANAGER Jennifer Turner DESIGN/PRODUCTION Wendy Lynn Wright [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]