Cenizo Journal Summer 2009 | Page 6

Editor’s Notes T BEER GARDEN & WINE BAR Noon to 2am live music • pool 412 E Holland Ave Alpine 432.837.5060 The Hal Flanders Recycling Center accepts glass, tin and aluminum cans, paper, plas- tics #1 and #2, magazines, cardboard and more. Visit: www.alpinerecyles.org to learn more about how and where to recycle or call 432.294.3183 for details. Funding made possible by the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality through the Rio Grande Council of Governments. Alice’s Cafe Mexican food & more Open Mon - Sat • 6 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 5 - 8 p.m. 432.729.4188 906 W San Antonio St • Marfa TRY THE BIG BEND “STIMULUS PACKAGE” hank you to all of you who have taken time to tell us how much you like the Cenizo Journal. From the stories to the photos to the ads – it’s been great to get a round of applause. Lots of people even comment on the paper! We appreciate your encouragement and especially thank Big Bend Sentinel and International publishers and editors Robert and Rosario Halpern for their generous welcome to the literary life of the Big Bend. Saludos, amigos! Many people ask how they can support us. To that I say – patronize our advertisers and thank them for advertising – ask folks who don’t advertise to do so and – subscribe! We are off to a great subscriber start – thank you for your support. But there’s more ahead – it’s summer and lots going on in the Big Bend of Texas. One of the best events is the one we salute in this issue – the Way Out West Texas Book Festival July 31 and August 1 in Alpine at the Espino Conference Center (second floor of the University Center on the Sul Ross campus). This event is sponsored by our local Rotary International chapter and benefits the Alpine and Marathon libraries. Last year (the first) was fantastic and raised $10,000 for the libraries, and this year promises to be, as they say, even better! The same beautiful land, breathtaking skies, dark nights and “something special” that has inspired ranchers to ranch and dreamers to dream and painters to paint is inspiring writers to write! You’ll meet some of them in this issue – proven writers like Lonn Taylor, new writers like Megan Wilde and her artist husband Avram Dumitrescu, visiting writers like Sasha Watson and poet Jessica Moore, both translators, too, and people in new places like Andrew Stuart, newly the editor of the Hudspeth County Herald and Dell Valley Review. We start this issue with a new private printer, Lauren Stedman of Terlingua who creates beautiful printing with antique presses from a restored building in the Ghostown. And we end with a bit of history about a Fort Davis building that has come to house, among other things, the Jeff Davis County Library. And in between, learn what the Lannan Foundation residency program for writers in Marfa is all about, as well as the July Texas Writers’ Retreat in Alpine each summer; see the photographs that capture the heart of the Big Bend in the words of the photographer herself, June Redford Van Cleef; listen to the oral history of Jim Glendinning’s “Voices of the Big Bend” and learn from Steve Anderson’s review of the newest book about the Rio Grande, the always-a-favorite trivia quiz and j vigil martinez’ ethereal poetry. All kinds of writing for all kinds of readers – enjoy! And see you at the Way Out West Texas Book Festival. Dallas Baxter Published by Cenizo Journal LLC PO Box 2025, Alpine, Texas 79831 www.cenizojournal.com 100 % 6 C E N I ZO J O U R N A L S TA F F Organic, Fair Trade and Roasted Daily ...in Marfa! Marfa, Texas (432) 729-4503 www.bigbendcoffee.com Cenizo Third Quarter 2009 PUBLISHER/EDITOR Dallas Baxter [email protected] GRAPHICS Wendy Lynn Wright [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER Martha Latta [email protected] SUBSCRIPTIONS Cenizo Journal will be mailed direct for $25.00 annually. Checks made payable to: Cenizo Journal PO Box 2025, Alpine, Texas 79831 SUBMISSIONS Deadline for October issue: August 15, 2009. Art, photographic & literary works may be e-mailed to the Editor. For advertising rates or to place an ad, contact: [email protected]