Cenizo Journal Spring 2021 | Page 29

Trans-Pecos Trivia

How fast can a Jackrabbit run ? A .) 25 MPH . B .) 50 MPH . C .) 40 MPH . D .) 20 MPH .
What is the best time to watch for jackrabbits ? A .) Early afternoon . B .) Dawn or dusk . C .) 2 hours after sunrise D .) They only come out after dark .
When can you see a rabbit sitting with the moon ? A .) When the moon is full . B .) It is a Man in the Moon . C .) When the moon is low in the sky . D .) Only in the autumn .
Why does a Jackrabbit have very large ears ? A .) To hear danger B .) To help him hide as a shrub . C .) To attract a mate D .) To help him keep cool
Bonus question : What 19th c . American renamed the Hare as “ Jackrabbit ?” A .) Samuel Clemens B .) John Updike C .) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow D .) Will Rodgers
Answers : 1 .) C . 2 .) B . 3 .) A . 4 .) D . Bonus ) A
Cenizo Spring 2021