Radio f or a Wide Range
Serving F ar W es t T e x as a t 9 3.5 FM
C e n izo J o urna l
Volume 11 Number 2
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Daniela C. Lara
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1701 W Highway 90 • Alpine
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Wendy Lynn Wright
Watercolor Paintings by
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Rene & Maria Franco, Owners
513 O’Reilly Street • Downtown Presidio
Second Quarter 2019
Rani Birchfield is a writer at large in the Big
Bend region. Born in Kathmandu, she inherited
the wanderlust of her parents and loves travel,
food and wine exploration, and meeting odd
folks of the planet. Have a story to tell or a hot
tip? e-mail: [email protected]
David Bristol was raised by a librarian, and the
olfactory experience of entering a library still
brings him comfort. A Vietnam veteran, he
returned to Cambodia in the late 80s and early
90s as a veterinarian with the American Friends
Service Committee to work on a cattle and
water buffalo project. The love of nature–from
lizards to the night sky–is in his DNA. e-mail:
[email protected]
Maya Brown is an herbalist and soapmaker.
Her handmade salves, soaps and tinctures are
available on-line at:
e-mail: [email protected]
Howdy-Nocona Fowler was born and raised on
the Klamath Indian Reservation in SE Oregon.
He has contributed to The Rocky Mountain
News, Western Horseman, Mules and More and
Cowboy Magazine. e-mail: [email protected]
Danielle Gallo is a writer who is proud to be
the editor of the Cenizo Journal. She came to the
area in 2002 and currently lives in
Marathon with her family. e-mail: editor@
C. W. (Bill) Smith is a writer, historian and
curator of the Terrell County Memorial
Museum. e-mail: [email protected]
Matt Walter is the Curator of Collections for
the Museum of the Big Bend in Alpine. He is
also a Lecturer in History at Sul Ross State uni-
versity. e-mail: [email protected]
David Winslow is an Alpine artist with an eye
for landscapes and architecture. Most of the
photographic images he takes are from the
Southwest Texas area and around his other
home in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. His
work can be seen at his gallery in Alpine, Galeria
Manana. e-mail: [email protected]
Carolyn Brown Zniewski started publishing at
age nine, with a neighborhood newsletter called
The Circle. From 1992 – 2006 she wrote a recipe
column for two newspapers in Minneapolis,
MN. In 2013, she started publishing the Cenizo.
e-mail: [email protected]
Copy editor: Rani Birchfield
Cover: Amethyst Cluster by Judith Brueske,
Acrylic 24” x 24” available at Gallery on the
Square, Alpine
William MacLeod was a Scot who made his
way to the Big Bend via Houston. A geologist
by trade, he wrote a series of books for amateurs
and professionals alike on the Big Bend area and
its fascinating geology. e-mail: www.texasgeolog-
Cenizo Journal will be mailed direct for $25.00 annually.
Make checks payable to: Cenizo Journal, P.O. Box 2257, Marathon, Texas 79842,
or through Paypal at [email protected]
Deadline for advertising and content submissions for the Third Quarter 2019 issue: May 15, 2019.
Art, photographic and literary works may be e-mailed to the Editor-in-chief at
[email protected] or the Associate Editor at [email protected].
For business questions contact the Editor-in-chief. For advertising rates or to place an ad,
contact the Editor-in-chief or the Associate Editor. For all other questions
contact either the Publisher at [email protected] or the Editor-in-chief.