Cenizo Journal Spring 2019 | Page 10

Hebert’ s Heirlooms & Resale Antiques & Collectibles Old & New W HITE C RANE A CUPUNCTURE C LINIC Acupuncture • Herbs • Bodywork Shanna Cowell, L.Ac. N EW L OCATION : 1250 N. State Street Fort Davis 432-426-3141 1310 E. Ave. H • Alpine [email protected] Mon. - Fri. by appointment (Entrance on Jackson) 432.837.3225 BIG BEND FELDENKRAIS Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner ® , Movement Intelligence Trainer/Teacher, Nationally Certified Massage Therapist, TX License # MT121615 Gift certificates available [email protected] 208 W Ave. E #101, Alpine 832-314-8103 continued from page 9 archaeologist comes and exca- vates the man made hill (aka landfill) to unearth clues about past civilizations. Plastic takes 1000 years to degrade. Glass takes a million. Yes, it seems overwhelming, the fight against litter and the pervasive- ness of plastic in our world. But we can recycle. Hal Flanders Recycling Center in Alpine was started in 2009 and will celebrate their 10-year anniversary this year. Texas Disposal Systems runs the center while the City of Alpine contracts with them to manage the personnel. All of the recycling is moved by TDS to a facility near Austin, with the exception of the glass and mulch, which is a city opera- tion made possible through a grant. The facility is available to residents of Brewster County, which is nice as that includes residents “down South.” The recycle process is not like in the city, where you put everything in one container and a little fairy comes by and swoops it off your porch and – poof! – it’s gone. You do have to work at it. You have to drive your recyclable goods to the center and separate everything yourself (gods forbid!), which means you have to clean it and store it at your abode until you can get to it. This is inconven- ient; it’s the dark side of the convenience plastic serves us. But if we all did something it would help. Your water bottles and beer cans, that go into the trash (you better not throw them out the window!), which go to the landfill and don’t degrade…. Well, unfortunately those will outlast us by genera- tions, but recycling helps alle- viate our footprint on the earth. Here is a list of things the recycling center in Alpine takes. And, need I mention, items must be clean? Glass, plastic, paper, tin, etc. (This leaves out milk carton card- board recycling, for example.) • Plastic #1 and #2 only • Mixed Paper (no milk cartons and the like) • Glass Bottles & Jars (no broken glass, no cham- pagne bottles, no gallon bottles) • Scrap Metal • Newspaper • Corrugated cardboard • Aluminum • Tin • Used Oil & Filters – From DIY • Brush (no thorny plants or cactus) We’re fortunate to have recycling Out Here. Why not use it? So, I wonder… did Benjamin go into plastics even though he was disillusioned and put off by the older gener- ation’s bourgeois lifestyle? I’ll bet he did. And maybe his chil- dren were disillusioned by his lifestyle when they grew up in an easy, yet throw-away men- tality symbolized by plastic, the heavy legacy of a consumer world. But now The Graduate’s children and grand- children are left with a differ- ent outlook, perhaps saying to their children: “I want to say one word to you. Just one word: Recycle.” More on trash, recycling and options in next issue as we continue our series on Trash in the Big Bend. I had a tremen- dous amount of responses to the first piece; apparently more people than just myself have noticed and are concerned about the uptick in roadside litter. Thank you for writing in. HAL FLANDERS RECYCLING CENTER 3300 Old Cemetery Rd • Alpine https:/www.facebook.com/HalFlandersRecyclingCenter 432-837-3183 A magical oasis in the Chihuahuan Desert of Texas Off the Pinto Canyon Rd near Ruidosa rustic lodging camping reservations required 432.229.4165 chinatihotsprings.net Dan and Dianna Burbach, Managers 10 Cenizo Second Quarter 2019 HOURS Tuesday – Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Last load 11:50 am) 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Last load 4:50 pm) Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Last load 11:50 am) Sunday & Monday: Closed