Cenizo Journal Spring 2018 | Page 9

being held at Alamo Village, and it was briefly opened to the public for the first time since 2009. My wife and I picked up two cameras and headed straight to Brackettville, figur- ing this was going to be my last chance to document this strange artifact. There were well over 1,000 people there for the sale. They had come to buy wagons, stage coaches and Rock around 2010. He took a much different approach to his research than I would have, but his writing inspired me to research something that I would not have considered before reading his well-written paper. Cuatro had searched out the history of the words and phrases carved on the rock and come up with some fascinating stuff. For instance, the word CONI” that was also inscribed on the rock. History had taken him all the way back to ancient Israel in 597 BC. I wanted to know what it meant around 1168. Turns out PhCONI refers to some islands off the Western coast of Akarnania, Greece. The people there were known as Phians. So I typed in Phian to see what the meaning was and with the click of a Music To Your Ears CDs • DVDs • Vinyl Games • Special Orders Mon-Fri 10-6 For subscriptions, please see page six. 203 E Holland Ave, Alpine 432.837.1055 [email protected] Improve Movement, Improve Life Movement, touch & directed attention are used to improve coordination, posture & balance. Private & group sessions available. Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner ® , Movement Intelligence Trainer/Teacher, Nationally Certified Massage Therapist, TX License # MT121615. Gift certificates available [email protected] • 107 N. 6th, Alpine 832-314-8103 Photo courtesy of Howdy-Nocona Fowler and C uatro C oates other western movie memora- bilia. Knowing I am a collector, folks asked me what I had come to buy. They were shocked when I told them that I was not there for the sale at all, but I had came to photo- graph a rock! A sale official from Rocksprings, Texas by the name of John Baker was a great help in me finally getting to photograph Esau’s Rock. He made sure I got access into the back room where Esau’s Rock was stored. He made numerous trips back to the museum with me to secure more photos and to help me in my search for information. I cannot thank him enough for his help. On Sunday, the last day of the sale, I was introduced to Cuatro Coates, who had also done some research on Esau’s D.’AVE as it is carved dates back to the 1500s and was first used by the French, then the English. Rarely is it used in any of the more modern forms of Spanish. It is also a salutation meaning “Farewell.” The intertwined numerals for the year date really had me stumped. But they did to my untrained eye look Celtic, like the endless knots in that style of art. I have pored over a few thousand examples of ancient Celtic and Gaelic rock carv- ings. I have seen almost every style of endless knot known to mankind, but not one ancient example of lettering or numer- als like the one carved on Esau’s Rock. Having hit a wall, I had to trash the possible Irish/Scot connection. Cuatro Coates had explored the “Ph CONI” or “Phi button I was back in Ireland. Turns out “Phian” is the Gaelic equivalent of our English word “Pain”! Trying to find an Italian explorer from 1168 and I am stuck in Ireland again. My brain was fried after six days of eating, breathing and losing sleep over Esau’s Rock. So I decided to call in some bigger, more educated guns on this project. I threw it out to a group on the internet. They were stumped to say the least. No luck there. So then I turned to a well-known archeologist, he admitted he had never seen anything like it. That left me with only one more card to play. If it didn’t work I was going to fold my cards and quit continued on page 27 T HE E PISCOPAL C HURCH W ELCOMES Y OU ! A compassionate, joy-filled community teaching, learning and sharing God’s love. We offer Eucharist, Morning and Evening Prayer, Godly Play for children 3-9, a concert series, programs to deepen your faith and more – join us! See it all at - www.bigbendepiscopalmission.org/calendar St. James Episcopal Church, Ave. A @ N. 6th St., Alpine Radio f or a Wide Range Serving F ar W es t T e x as a t 9 3.5 FM Bec ome a member a t www . marf apublicr adio . or g or 1-800-90 3-KR T S Cenizo Second Quarter 2018 9