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enhancing assessment




Have you mapped your assessments across modules and levels lately? If so, how has mapping your assessments led to short and long term action plans for improving student engagement and learning?

n its 2012 report A Marked Improvement, the Higher Education Academy (HEA) noted that within the UK, HE institutions have made significant changes to their curriculum

to reflect employability demands placed on 21st century graduates.

However assessment practices have lagged behind these curricular changes, creating a disconnection between how students are taught, how they learn, and how they are assessed.

The current challenge is to create an assessment diet that reflects a strong connection between teaching methods, learning activities and assessment practices.

To assist you and your colleagues plan and implement innovative, research-supported changes to your assessment practices, CELT is offering Sandbox Sessions that provide the tools, time, and space for staff teaching in the same Academic Programme to generate discussions and action plans towards an ideal assessment diet that aligns with the 2016 UEL Academic Strategy.