CELTIC Times (clone) | Page 12

ast year UEL saw a record 90 successful applications for fellowship of the Higher Education Academy through UEL's CPD Route. These applications were across all categories of fellowship (Descriptors 1, 2, 3 and 4) and truly demonstrated the depth, diversity and excellence of our institutional practice.

As our 'PSF Maturity' develops, we are seeing increasingly confident applications which are highly reflective, research-informed and demonstrate colleagues' intentionally behind their practice. The panel members would like to congratulate all for these successful applications both from last year and in previous years.

This year we have already met and awarded 11 staff from the September panels and have another 3 whole days of panels arranged for December. We are expecting to consider around a further 20 applications.

The PSF panels run through the year. There are 14 whole days dedicated to this and the panels are blocked together at September, December, Easter and Summer. The PSF Moodle site, part of the CELT Staff Development range of pages and courses, provides support and materials.