Cellulite Treatment Market Key Players, Growth, Analysis, 2017 – 2027 Cellulite Treatment Healthcare | Page 4

Cellulite Treatment Market Cellulite is a multi-faced condition, a type of fat that is more visible on the surface of the skin than another type of fat in the body which is caused by several physiological and hormonal factors. Cellulite Treatment is a process of reducing the amount or appearance of cellulite. Most of the women have cellulite to one or another degree. Most common areas of the body where the cellulite occurs are the body parts which serves as the body fat's reserves such as buttocks, thighs, and hips. Cellulite creates a dimpled appearance in these areas of the body because it is closer to the surface of the skin. A connective tissue like Septa anchoring the fat tissue beneath the skin to deep muscles forms cellulite when changes its position between layers of the various tissues. The septa may breakdown, stretch or pull tight and fat may squeeze close to the surface of the skin which results in cellulite. According to statistics, more than 85% of females past the age of eighteen regardless of ancestry cellulite shows up on the thighs, although it is more common for Caucasian and Asian women. As it is a benign condition but being much like wrinkles cellulite has become a concern of women worldwide. Everything from loofahs, miracle ingredients, , herbal supplements, vitamins, minerals, special washcloths, bath liquids, rubberized pants, rollers, body wraps, brushes, and toning lotions to electrical muscle stimulation, vibrating machines, hormone or enzyme injections, inflatable hip-high pressurized boots, and massage have been claimed to be successful cellulite treatments. Cellulite Treatment Market: Drivers and Restraints The desire to enhance the beauty and physical appearance among women with Increase in Awareness of the ©2015 Future Market Insights, All Rights Reserved 4