Photography by Eagle Vista
Celebrating Poundbury
Without a doubt the last year has been an exciting one for Poundbury ’ s residents and businesses . Not only have the eagerly awaited plans for a grand Queen Mother Square become a reality , but we received a very special visit from Her Majesty The Queen to officially open the square . It was truly a momentous day to remember for all the residents of Dorchester and it was lovely to see so many people turn out to wave the Union Jack . The Duchess of Cornwall Inn was officially opened that day by the Duchess of Cornwall and it has been thriving since opening its doors . In this commemorative issue we celebrate that special day and we hope you enjoy this . The next year is also one to look forward to with the opening of Damers First School after Easter and more houses and businesses opening up in the North East Quadrant . Each month new residents and families move to Poundbury and we look forward to welcoming them . As Poundbury has grown , West Dorset District Council has accumulated contributions from The Duchy of
Cornwall as part of its Section 106 planning agreement for Poundbury . The district council is now inviting bids from community projects for the £ 1.8m Section 106 Recreation Fund , and as part of this process The Duchy intends to consult with residents over proposals for a new comprehensive play park , pavilion , skate park and BMX track on The Great Field . The Section 106 agreement also obliges The Duchy to build a new community hall , and we understand they intend to consult with residents over all these plans in the next 12 months . As a working mum who lives and works in Poundbury , I am proud to have launched my business here . Our aim at Celebrating Poundbury is to champion the other fantastic independent businesses in Poundbury , many of whom are family-run and help shape the Poundbury we know and love . Please do support local shops where you can and get involved with a range of events coming up this year .
Miriam Phillips
Miriam Phillips Editor miriam @ celebratingpoundbury . co . uk