Celebrating Poundbury Magazine Issue 5: Celebrating 25 years of Poundbury | Page 54

BUSINESS Blueberry Mortgages has access to the whole of the market for all forms of lending and protection. Unlike other brokers, we off er 100% fi le checking before going to our unique lending panel and exclusive deals. BLUEBERRY MORTGAGES 01305 213 890 PASSION, INSPIRATION, EXPERTISE. National company Blueberry Mortgages has expanded to Widcombe Street and offer an impressive range of services. A fter opening in Stowey House in 2014, Blueberry Mortgages expanded to a second office in Widcombe Street. The four directors said the move to Poundbury has been a very positive one. Director Jason Matthews said: "We really like Poundbury, it is easy to park and there are more and more businesses here every year offering more and more for Dorchester." The national company not only offers commercial, personal and bridging mortgage advice nationally but it invites local residents to get in touch to see if they could benefit from their expert advice. Would your commercial enterprise benefi t from some additional commercial fi nancing? Secured or unsecured Lending? Are you in a position to need Bridging Finance? The four directors, Chris Moyse, Paul Butterworth, Jason Matthews and Peter Owen all support the local community and have recently donated to Weldmar Hospice Care, Julia's House and the Dorset and Somerset Ambulance. Blueberry Mortgages employs over 60 individuals around the country and more than 40 in the Poundbury headquarters. Earlier this year, MD & Owner Peter Owen's remarkable story was reported on BBC news. The story of how he saved a child from drowning 44 years ago and resuscitated him at the scene viewers heard. The victim thanked his rescuers on TV. Mey House - Bridport Road Poundbury - Dorset - DT1 3QY [email protected] spirarelimited.co.uk Thinking of exploring Remortgaging, Buy-to-Let or Interest Only Mortgages? Call us today and speak to one of our experienced advisers and explore your options - no obligation. We can even come to you! Call us FREE 0800 015 1774 5a Widcombe Street, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 3BS www.blueberrywealth.co.uk Plea s e feel free to visit us for a f re e, no obliga tion initial me e t in g for a ny ac c ounta nc y a nd t a xa t ion require me n t s ‘Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any other debt secured on it’ ‘The FCA does not regulate some investment mortgage contracts’ ‘Calls may be recorded for training and compliance purposes’ FAMILY RUN ITALIAN RESTAURANT Qu ality P IZ Z A NEW ERA FOR PROSPECT HOUSE N AU TH EN TIC ITALIA Celebrating HERITAGE COMMUNITY BUSINESS SOCIAL FUTURE CHAMPIONING LOCAL BUSINESSES IN POUNDBURY 01305 213 890 Mey House - Bridport Road Poundbury - Dorset - DT1 3QY Visit www.celebratingpoundbury.co.uk spirarelimited.co.uk @wearepoundbury ING POU Celebrating Poundbury Magazine £10 AT R 1 Challacombe Square, Poundbury, Dorchester,DT1 3SX 01305 570 237 // bookings@piccolofi ore-restaurant.com www.piccolofi ore-restaurant.com Piccolo Fi ore Ple ase fe e l fre e to T I N vi i t us for a free, G P s OU A N R B ti al meeti n g for a ny no obl i gati on i ni FREE MAGAZINE acco u ntancy and ta xa ti on WHEN YOU re qu i SPEND re men ts 54 WWW.CELEBRATINGPOUNDBURY.CO.UK The business centre offers 14 offices, in varied sizes in the heart of Poundbury. Other businesses based here include Brookes Physiotherapy, Linus Moran Photography, Boris Starling, Emm-Power, Jurassic Computers, AR Jones Accountancy and also it is Celebrating Poundbury's office. The office is a welcoming base and the offices are affordably priced, hence attracting many start up businesses over the years. Popular Poundbury businesses Key Multimedia and Cuckooland both started in the building before expanding to bigger offices. Anyone interested in a small office can contact Maxgate Properties on 01305 251400 or email [email protected]. [email protected] T he iconic business hub, opposite Dorset Cereals on Prospect Avenue East, has been a base for many of Poundbury’s start up and small businesses over the last decade. In November it was taken over and changed from an Enterprise Connection building, run by Weymouth College, to a thriving business centre. The building is currently in the process of renovation and already four more businesses have moved into the hub. These are Cambridge Weight Management, Bright Button Productions, Emma Letherton and will soon be the home of Brookfield Travel. The popular Prospect House has been transformed into Prospect House Business Centre and welcomed four new businesses. N wearepoundbury #celebratingpoundbury WWW.CELEBRATINGPOUNDBURY.CO.UK 55