Celebrating Poundbury Magazine Issue 5: Celebrating 25 years of Poundbury | Page 38

SHOP ... A E S E H T Y B SHOPPING l products. lling unique loca se s op sh l ua individ reet brands and favourite High St ur yo of ix m ic rs an eclect Weymouth offe Bringing affordable luxury to your home JACK ORTON’S PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTARY Talented photographer Jack Orton first visited Poundbury earlier this year as a final year photography student at the Arts Institute Bournemouth. While here, he spent his time visiting Poundbury residents for a photo documentary series entitled Whispering Blooms. You might have seen him cycling around with his tripod and rare Mamiya film camera. Jack returned in August as an exhibiting artist within Jubilee Hall as part of the Dorset Food & Arts Festival 2017. Providing wrinkle reducing injections and dermal fi ller services in Dorset and the surrounding areas. Call David on 07787 805 124 for a professional, friendly chat. Email David on [email protected] www.i-facial.co.uk 38 WWW.CELEBRATINGPOUNDBURY.CO.UK Curtains, Blinds, Soft Furnishings and Interiors Contact Nicky for a FREE consultation. T: 0789 887 2240 E: [email protected] www.margoandmya.co.uk In the last issue of Celebrating Poundbury we were so impressed with Jack’s photography that we dedicated several pages to showcasing his stunning celluloid snapshots of life in Poundbury. Here is the final installment of his images and we think Jack, 22, has a very bright future. He said: “For my final major project I am pursuing a documentary series about life in Poundbury. I am really enjoying my time and have met some incredible people.” To view more of Jack’s work visit his Instagram page www.instagram.com/orton365 WWW.CELEBRATINGPOUNDBURY.CO.UK 39