Celebrating Poundbury Magazine Issue 5: Celebrating 25 years of Poundbury | Page 22
Multi-use game area (MUGA)
Jogging trail
Skate Park
Wild flower areas
BMX track
BMX track?
Climbing wall
Children’s play area
A Pavilion or changing area for
sports teams
Toilet facilities
The consultation for Poundbury’s The Great Field is
underway. The Duchy of Cornwall is undertaking a public
consultation to make sure that your opinions are heard.
would like to see on The Great Field.
This could be walking, running and
cycling routes, a children’s play area,
sports equipment, flower meadows,
and facilities for young people such as a
skate park or BMX track, amongst many
other opportunities.
“The Great Field consultation is a chance
to be part of improving where you live
and I encourage everyone to come along
to the workshop and exhibition to have
their say.”
Based on local feedback, The Duchy
of Cornwall and leading landscape
designers Fabrik will create a bespoke
outline masterplan.
The Duchy of Cornwall will be holding
two drop-in consultation events,
including a public workshop to shape
the masterplan, followed by a public
exhibition for further feedback before
submitting a planning application to West
Dorset District Council.
Earlier this year The Great Field was
provisionally offered £220,786 of a
£600,000 joint application to enhance
facilities for the community on The Great
Field. This funding is derived from a
pot of S106 Funding accumulated from
contributions made by The Duchy of
Cornwall to fund recreation facilities
for Poundbury and the wider community
of Dorchester.
Mayor Susie Hosford of Dorchester
Town Council said:
“Once completed, The Great Field will be
Dorchester’s largest public open space, and
we have the chance to provide the kind of
facilities that make it a real destination for
both locals and visitors alike. It is really
important that residents from in and
around the town take this opportunity
to help shape how The Great Field will
be used.”
William Gibbons, Chairman of the
Poundbury Residents Association,
added: “The Poundbury Residents
Association is delighted The Duchy of
Cornwall is proposing to invest in new
facilities on The Great Field and run a
thorough engagement process through the
appointment of independent consultants.
Everyone is welcome to have their say at
the workshop and public exhibition. We
look forward to seeing the scheme develop
with input from the local community.”
“It is important for Poundbury
that these new community
facilities are suitable for the
growing number of people in
Poundbury. The Great Field is
a unique opportunity to bring
new facilities and areas for
the community and we hope
you will get involved.”
GReat Field?
embers of the
community will soon
have the chance to shape
proposals for The Great
Field in Poundbury.
The Duchy of Cornwall is bringing
forward plans to provide new recreational,
outdoor facilities for the residents of
Poundbury and Dorchester.
Before the plans are drawn up, the local
community will be consulted on what new
facilities they would like to see on the site.
Estate Director Ben Murphy said:
“We’re very much looking forward to
working with the local community to
create something special, for residents of
all ages to enjoy. The Duchy of Cornwall
understands the importance in investing
in community life, and we are now in a
position to deliver much-needed facilities,
supported by the local community.”
At a Poundbury Residents Association
meeting recently Mr Murphy and the
consultation team told local residents that
this was their opportunity to help create
something special for Poundbury.
He added: “We’re asking for the
community’s help to tell us what they
Jogg in
A Pavilion?
The workshop will be held on Monday 13th November
2017 at The Quiet Space, Woodlands Crescent,
Poundbury, DT1 3RQ. The community is invited to drop-
in anytime between 2pm and 8pm to express their
thoughts on what should be included in the plans.
The public exhibition will be held on Monday 11th
December 2017 at The Quiet Space, Woodlands
Crescent, Poundbury, DT1 3RQ. The community is
invited to drop-in anytime between 2pm and 8pm to
see the outline masterplan and provide feedback.
’s play a
Please check www.celebratingpounudbury.co.uk for more detail
To contact the team leading the consultation
Call: 0800 840 2750
Email: [email protected]
Post: FREEPOST, Poundbury Great Field