Celebrating Poundbury Magazine Issue 5: Celebrating 25 years of Poundbury | Page 10

NEWS COMMUNITY CLEAN UP SESSIONS The Prince of Wales School is calling on the community to help it transform the grounds. L ots of work is needed on the garden, forest school area and helping to make the grounds more disabled friendly. At the first session around 40 parents, friends of the school and members of the community turned up to help garden the forest school area. The next session will be on Saturday 18 November from 1pm-4pm. People are invited to turn up and help but all children must be accompanied by an adult. Mr Spracklen added: "Everyone is welcome, at the school we pride ourselves on the relationship with the parents and it is incredibly important for us to running events and working closely with our PTA – POWSA." If you can help with the project please contact headteacher@ princeofwales.co.uk TEAM DUCHY 10 + ALFIE Headmaster Gary Spracklen and the schoolchildren MEET THE NEW HEADMASTER OF THE PRINCE OF WALES SCHOOL After a year of transition The Prince of Wales School is being firmly driven forward by an inspirational new headteacher. G ary Spracklen has only been in the post a few months but has already made a big impression. His appointment follows the school leadership being changed back to an independent school, after a year of collaboration with the Abbas schools. After this arrangement was disbanded, Mr Spracklen took the reins of the already outstanding school, based at the bottom of Poundbury on Maiden Castle Road. The Prince of Wales School is one of two first schools that serve the catchment area of Poundbury, alongside newly relocated Damers First School. For this new headteacher, returning to The Prince of Wales is like coming home, as he trained as a teacher there between 2005-2008 working for the renowned headteacher Mr Farrington. Mr Spracklen says: “I’ve always been absolutely in love with the school and it was my dream to return as head teacher. I am very much looking forward to making a difference here. I want to use the school’s great history and move it forward.” Mr Farrington retired in 2015 to work as a super head consulting 10 WWW.CELEBRATINGPOUNDBURY.CO.UK with schools up and down the UK. It is not only teachers and parents that are pleased with Mr Spracklen's appointment. Lord Jim Knight, Editor of TES Online and Former Minister for Schools, gave this testimonial: “I’ve known Gary for several years through his transformative work. Driven by learner management and achievement he is exceptional in delivering impact. I am always impressed.” Plans for the next year include making more of the outside environment and using technology to innovate and engage the children. Each year The Prince of Wales School is oversubscribed and each class has 30 pupils plus 10 places across the school for children with learning disabilities. At the last Ofs