Celebrating Poundbury Magazine Issue 1: The Female Entrepreneurs | Page 6

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homes , a process that is being phased to meet market demand . By the time it is complete it is expected that the population of Dorchester will have increased by a quarter – approximately 4,500 people . Results from the 2015 Poundbury Business Survey report that the Poundbury community has generated approximately 1.5 jobs per home – suggesting that Poundbury has provided the right environment for businesses to thrive in Dorchester . Half of those enterprises were first established in Poundbury , mainly comprising small independent artisan businesses . This reflects the Duchy ’ s decision to create affordable workshop and retail spaces , providing an entrepreneurial environment which enables smaller businesses to establish and thrive . Ben Murphy , Deputy Estate Director for Dorchester at the Duchy of Cornwall , said :“ Poundbury demonstrates that it is possible to build high quality , traditional housing at affordable prices , and successfully integrate private and affordable homes with retail , offices and factories . High density walkable neighbourhoods enable people to meet many of their daily needs on foot , rather than use their car .” He adds : “ Emphasis is placed on the quality of architecture , urban design and the use of traditional materials , which has created an attractive place of real character in which people choose to live , work , shop and play .”