Celebrating Austin High's 125 Years (published 2007) 125 Years (pp 1-24) | Page 6
There I was, entering the names into our Graduates database from the 1908 graduating
class. Angie Reeve, the Librarian, reminded me that day that Austin High had already be-
gun the 12S th Anniversary activities. She suggested that we collect stories about the history
and traditions of the school. I agreed whole-heartedly.
When we published the Centennial
History of Austin High, 1881-1981, we had collected some of these stories. But others did-
n't quite "make it" into the book.
So we borrowed from here and there, and wrote some original pieces. Angie served as the
editor, publishing one short e-mail story each week. As time passed, we got feedback that
suggested we should republish all of the stories as a booklet. We have included all of them,
as well as others we'll run before the end of the school year. We hope you enjoy this trip
through the Austin High story.
If there are errors, we apologize, and of course, in any broad history, someone has been left
out. We apologize in advance about that, and invite others to be a part of the continuing
effort to keep alive the story of a remarkable school, where "Loyal Forever" is more than an
idle phrase.
Brian Schenk
Austin High School Archivist
September 2006